10 NEST galvanized hen laying boxes. $20--Is this a good deal?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I found this ad in the local paper and wonder if you all think it's worth it to have the galvanized nest boxes? $20 isn't much but we already have laying hens and they're using home built nest boxes. We don't *need* these, but I just saw the ad and thought it might be a lot nicer to have something out of metal that can really be disinfected. What do you all think? Anyone used the metal boxes and have an opinion? I know this is a pretty shallow question but I want to know what you all think anyway.Thanks,
-- Elizabeth in E TX (kimprice@peoplescom.net), January 13, 2002
We had one of these in Texas, and were very sorry we left it behind. Hubby made hinged doors in the back of mine with old cabinet doors, so you could lift the back to check for eggs, without going inside the coop if it was set up right(we used it two different places.) I do think it is worth the money. And I certainly did need to disinfect a nest a few times, after having hens sit in them.
-- mary (marylgarcia@aol.com), January 13, 2002.
Grab it before it is gone!
-- Jim NE KY (jedeweese@earthlink.net), January 13, 2002.
Yes, easier to disinfect and easier to clean too. Good luck.
-- Trisha-MN (coldguinea@netscape.net), January 13, 2002.
Grab 'em!! They are $100-120 each new. Even if you don't use them, you can resell or barter with them.
-- melina b. (goatgalmjb1@hotmail.com), January 13, 2002.
I think it is!! U cant buid much for 20 bucks!! Grizz
-- Grizz (southerneagle@yahoo.com), January 13, 2002.
I wish it was near me, It would make a profit at the Small Livestock Auction here.
-- Mark in N.C. Fla. (deadgoatman@webtv.net), January 13, 2002.
It looks unanimous in favor, and it's true, you can't build much for $20! I called the number and am going in the morning to pick them up! Thanks all!
-- Elizabeth in E TX (kimprice@peoplescom.net), January 13, 2002.
I have some someone gave me that used to work in commericial chicken houses. They replaced them with newer ones and were tossing out the old ones. Mine were free, but after having them, I'd be happy to give $20 for them. I'd say go for it!
-- Sharon (spangenberg@hovac.com), January 14, 2002.
I recently lost 2 of these galvanized nesting boxes due to a fire. I have looked high and low and no replacements are to be found. I think the price is great if the nest bottoms aren't rusting out. I sure miss mine!
-- Andrew Idalski (aidalski@ormicnet.com), January 14, 2002.
Hi Elizabeth in E. Tx - My husband actually purchased one of the galvanized hen laying boxes for $20 from a guy in E. Tx - from what I understand he acquired them from Arkansas, from a Poultry Farm that went out of business. I haven't even got my chickens yet, but couldn't pass up the great deal - and yes, it is in great shape and appears to be well worth the money. I am really enjoying reading all of the information posted regarding raising chickens. I am learning a lot from everyone. Sue
-- Sue (smk60@hotmail.com), February 15, 2002.