Flexible codes in New York, Vermont, New Hampshire???greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Sold the apartment and am heading for the countryside. You guys may be able to save me some leg-work. Does anyone know if any of these counties allow a cabin, outhouse, and graywater directed to a garden? Trying to keep it simple.New York Ulster, Sullivan, Delaware or Dutchess Vermont Bennington, Windham, or Rutland
New Hampshire Cheshire or Sullivan
If you'd like a quiet neighbor, let me know. Many thanks!
-- Mike (ayerblue@juno.com), January 12, 2002
Hi Mike.I don't know if they,re legal or not but I do know that all of those you mentioned are in both Cheshire and Sullivan counties in New Hampshire.
-- george (bngcrview@aol.com), January 12, 2002.
Ulster county allows composting toilets that are approved (I guess manufactured) but says you still have to have a septic for the greywater. They did send me instructions for building a good outhouse, however, so I suppose if it is a non-residential vacation type situation they allow them. The cabin would be up to the local building inspector, waste diposal the county health dept.
-- Rod Perrino (redjouster@aol.com), January 12, 2002.
As far as in New York: Ulster, Sullivan, or Delaware Counties go, if you are in any of the NYC watershed areas, they are VERY stingent about what is allowed as far as wastewater or septic systems are allowed.I'm in Delaware County, New York and our taxes are extremely low though as NYC now owns most of the valuable farmland and pays a good share of the towns revenue.Of course they took it by immenint domain from the farmers back in the 1950's, but thats a whole 'nother story. So generally, you will have to look at the NYS Dept of Health Regulations for the state and if you are in a watershed area, need to abide by their rules as well. Let me know if you want more info on the NYC watershed regulations. I participate in their whole farm plan and as such know who to contact in Delaware and Sullivan Counties.
-- Kate henderson (kate@sheepyvalley.com), January 13, 2002.