OLD TIME BLACKBERRY VARIETYgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I remember my parents buying big & really sweet blackberries from a little old lady.Cant remember what type or variety.this was in the late 1960s.Does anyone know the names of any older variety BB & Where u might find them
-- DAVE COYNER (dkoiner@webtv.net), January 12, 2002
We have a blackberry called Early Harvest that is older than I am. (close to 60) Just like the name says, it ripens early for a blackberry about the last week of raspberry season we start picking these blackberries. I got starts from a neighbor who had had then for years and that was 26 years ago. If you can get them I recommend Early Harvest. Dave
-- Dave (drcomer@rr1.net), January 12, 2002.
I've never heard of people actually planting blackberries. Here in S.W. British Columbia they grow wild in every garden, ditch and in the bush. Everybody picks their secret place. Blackberry wine and jam and crumble are always available even if you're broke. k
-- karen (karengrandmaison@hotmail.com), January 13, 2002.
Oh! Blackberries are my FAVORITE berry! I will remember this variety for sure!
-- Sandie in Maine (peqbear@maine.rr.com), January 14, 2002.