Good Inexpensive Homestead for Sale for Beginners or : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I just saw this advertised in our local "free" paper, I am not a real estate agent, just like to help those who feel that they will never be able to make that move "beyond the sidewalks" to the country quickly enough to suit them."Country retreat, 2 1/2 acres, privacy, nice 2 BR mobile home, lg. carport, storage building, county water, furnished........$34,900
It is near where we live so I am familar with the outside of it, the mobile isn't new but is in good shape, on a dirt road about 4 miles to a small (600 people) town where there is the post office, gas station/service station, bank and convienent store. About a half hour to bigger town (countyseat) with all modern conviences, a half an hour to major hospitals, an hour to major shopping malls and colleges. The home sits up above the road and has a lovely yard with mature trees and lots of pines,there is a good area that is flat enough for a garden, forest surrounds it all on three sides, farm pastures on the back side, has an incredible view where the house sits of the woods and valley across the dirt road. No neighbors in sight, nearest neighbor on one side, a half mile, a few miles for the other side, nothing but woods across the road.
Contact United Country Real Estate for more information and they have a website too, Woodsfield, Ohio. 740-472-1777
Just wanted to let all the wannabe's know that there are places you can buy that are way cheaper than rent, and don't require much down payment, heck, the mortgage would be way less than 400 dollars a month!!!
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, January 12, 2002
LOL Annie, I thought you were trying to sell my place out from under me. You almost decibed my place perfectly except that the home is only three yrs old.
-- george (, January 12, 2002.
But Annie my mortgage is only $250 a month Now! , LOL
-- Kenneth in N.C. (, January 12, 2002.
Kenneth, yea, I know, our first mortgage was only 300 dollars a month, but that was many years ago, and it was a 30,000 small farm and we had 20% down to avoid mortgage insurance costs. Seems like folks have a harder time now a days saving up enough money to put on a place, but then I think their priorities are different now, that new car/truck calls out to them louder than having a paid for roof over their heads!!! Go figure, times may be hard, but if your place is paid for, times are a lot easier with that worry gone!
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, January 13, 2002.
I KNOW it is harder for us younger folks now days,, we drive old cars, my truck is 15 years old and my car is 11 years old...PAID FOR!!!....we have had some medical bills...wife was we havent had it as easy as new vacations..BUT ONE DAY WE WILL HAVE OUR FARM...we will perservier.
-- Kristean Thompson (, January 14, 2002.