Need Info on Bantam : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Do any of you raise Bantam Ducks? I would like to know how you liked or disliked them. Thanks for your help!Cowgirlone in OK
-- cowgirlone (, January 12, 2002
there good,, with a holindae sauce
-- Stan (, January 12, 2002.
Stan, that's kind of what I was hoping! HA!
-- cowgirlone (, January 12, 2002.
I have Australian Spotteds. I love them! I've had ducks my whole life and this breed is by far the most personable of any I've raised. They are excellent mothers and pull off good hatches without problems. They only lay in the spring, however, and they just aren't big enough to bother eating, so around here they are strictly ornamental. The one negative thing about them that I've noticed is that among themselves, the drakes can be rather aggressive, which in ducks amounts to feather pulling. It's not a big deal, but I never saw that too much with other duck breeds. The upside to that, though, is they are also more protective of the flock than other drakes. I had one drake (I called him "Stealth Duck") that would sneak up behind my Border Collie and pinch her to get her to move away. This drake died when a wandering Samoyed came through and attacked them. That drake was a hero that day. Stupid, but a hero, just the same. The two adult ducks were killed, but their young ducklings all survived and are the parents of the ducks I have today. If you want fun ornamental birds, these ducks are great.
-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (, January 12, 2002.
Thanks for the info Jennifer! Do you happen to have a source for the Australian Spotted ducklings or hatching eggs? I see that Mcmurray Hatchery carries other breeds ( hatching eggs ) but not the kind you have. Thanks for your help!
-- cowgirlone (, January 13, 2002.
Mine came from Holderread's in Corvallis, OR. Holderread's Waterfowl Farm and Preservation Center PO Box 492 Corvallis, OR 97339 541-929-5338They specialize in waterfowl and have many different breeds. They may have other bantam's than the Aus. Spotteds, but it's been awhile since I ordered from them. Bantam Welsh Harlequins come to mind, but I'm not certain if that was the other breed of bantam or not. Anyway, they are nice folks and the quality of the ducklings is super every time. :)
-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (, January 13, 2002.
Jennifer, thanks again for your help! I will try to contact them for a list of their stock. Best wishes!
-- cowgirlone (, January 14, 2002.