inexpensive plants from catalogs : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anyone have any experience in ordering plants from the following inexpensive catalog companies, Burgess, Richard Owens,house of wesley, inter-state nursery, farmers seed.

-- hector rodriguez (, January 11, 2002


I've always done well ordering thur Burgess.

-- David R In TN. (, January 11, 2002.

Burgess , small plants but they are fresh when you get them never have had any that has died on me . Would order again from them. Indiana Country Friend Jack Bunyard

-- Jack Bunyard (, January 12, 2002.

Hi Hector..I used inter state for the first time last year..I was not happy with the stuff I ordered. Will probably not use them again. I use farmers seed and have had great success with their plants. Like someone else said...they may be a bit on the small side..but they live!!

Happy gardening....

-- Sher in se Iowa (, January 12, 2002.

Go to

You can find out who owns the company and from there go to comments from customers about the company.

-- R. (, January 12, 2002.

Hi Hector,

I have had good luck from Burgess and Farmer's Seed. Never tried the others. Years ago we sold carnation plants to Farmer's Seed and I know that they were top notch. Today, almost all of those nurseries are owned by large diversified corporations. Some really fell in quality as a result of that, but many stayed honest.



-- Oscar H. Will III (, January 12, 2002.

I have a catalog from Burgess but, I need contact info for the others. Can someone please post this info (e-mail, address, &/or phone numbers)?



-- animalfarms (, January 12, 2002.

Hector, I have always been pleased with plants and trees from Burgess. Sometimes the smaller sizes take off growing quicker without as much shock than the bigger plants do. Mona Lea

-- Mona Lea (, January 12, 2002.

Farmer Seed and Nursery

Division of Plantron, Inc. 818 NW 4th Street Faribault, MN 55021 Phone: (507) 334-1623


Richard Owen Nurseries, Inc.

2300 East Lincoln St. Bloomington, Illinois 61701 Phone: (309) 663-9551 WWW: *********************************

Burgess Nursery

373 Deming St South Windsor CT 06074-3714


************************ House of Wesley

A division of Plantron 1700 Morrissey Drive Bloomington, IL Phone: (309) 663-9551 WWW:

************************* Inter-State Nurseries

Div of Plantron, Inc. Dept.9904-116 1800 Hamilton Rd. Bloomington, IL 61704

-- Oscar H. Will III (, January 13, 2002.

I sell small shrubs and trees as well as perennials, many of the same kind that are in the Burgess catalog. Email me for a list and price. Thanks

-- Paul (, January 13, 2002.

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