BEST WAY TO ERASE/REFORMAT HARD : LUSENET : Mac Troubleshooting : One Thread |
We have 2 Mac G3's which we are going to swap out for new G4's. Since we have had so many problems with the G3's, we want to totally erase and reformat the drives to start from scratch (also, they are going to be used by different operators, so we have to reinstall all the new operator's software).What's the best way to do this? I've been told to use Norton Utilities, which has an 'Erase' option to erase the hard drive. Will this fix the drive if it has bad sectors?
I'm pretty new to this, and would appreciate any advice you could give me. THANKS!
-- cheryl nowakowski (, January 11, 2002
You can install the new op0erating system, then using Norton go to it's wipe component. It'll wipe all the unused (but still embedded) files/folders from the hard drive. Want to be certain— do it twice. Good luck, George
-- George Holmes (, July 06, 2002.