chick : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Is anyone in the Northeast Penn. -NJ-NY border area ordering chicks from McMurray in April? I'd like "IN" on the order, if the minimum of 25 is too many for you! I'd like to split an order with someone close by!!! So anybody out there in this area, please contact me!! Thanks!
-- MicheleRaePadgett (, January 10, 2002
I've had the same problem for the last couple of years but I have a new plan for this next summer. Since the place that I get my chicks from will let you mix your order I am going to get my twelve replacement layers and make the rest of the order cornish hens for butchering.
-- r.h. in okla. (, January 10, 2002.
Ideal hatchery in Texas has a 15 bird minimum. (I have also heard that they will throw in extra Leghorn males for heat if you ask.)
-- ddew (, January 10, 2002.
Do you happen to have contact info for Ideal Hatchery?thanks!
-- Tracy (, January 11, 2002.
-- paul (, January 11, 2002.
Ideals on-line catalogue is AWSOME!!!
-- Terri (, January 11, 2002.
You also might wanna look at They ship year round and have no minimum order
-- john (, January 11, 2002.
Michele, I like Cackle Hatchery in Missouri, they have great bargains of all types of poultry and 15 chick minimum. Web site, I get nice healthy chicks everytime I order. karen
-- Karen in Kansas (, January 11, 2002.
Check with your local feed Agway..if there are any left in your area now. They sometimes get chicks in in the spring and you can order 6 at a time. Once I was at the store and another women wanted only 3 ducks and I wanted 3 so we bought them together and each took our three. Good Luck !!
-- Helena (, January 11, 2002.
ive got a large henhouse and fenced area on the farm im renting. the five chickens i bought (only one laying) have all disappeared and now im looking to get more. is it cheaper and easier to buy the hatchlings than using an incubator to get more chicks? also, while im at it.... my chickens get out of their pen (sleeping in the trees), and have disappeared one or two at a time. do they often wander off or is it most likely a coyote, fox, coon, etc....? i paid $6 for my laying hen, $8 for my rooster, and $3.50 for my half grown chicks. is this a lot?thanks so much, plantobehomesteader
-- aaron snowden (, January 12, 2002.
Ideal Hatchery in Texas has NO minimum of birds. They have a $20 minimum order. I order from them whenever I order.
-- ~Rogo (, January 12, 2002.