Wanted: Florida Waterfront Propertygreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi - I live in Tampa, FL and looking for some vacation or weekend get-away waterfront property 2-3 hours away. Will consider pan-handle area. Owner financing. Will take anything in any shape (as long as the waterfront property is useable). Prefer some woods. Mobile homes, cabins, camping must be allowed. Thanks!!
-- William P. Desjardins (captdj@yahoo.com), January 10, 2002
Try up in the Carrabelle, Cedar Key or Apalachicola area.
-- matt johnson (wyo_cowboy_us@yahoo.com), January 10, 2002.
Check the area around Lutz, not far from you. Beautiful lakefront properties, reasonable, you'll know it when you see it.
-- HarleyinFL (cruisindog@juno.com), January 10, 2002.