Where can I buy bulk alum (Taning)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have several sheep skins to tan and wanted to use alum. Does anyone know where to buy bulk alum? Thanks -Kim
-- kim (fleece@eritter.net), January 10, 2002
Hi,Alum is aluminum sulfate. For tanning purposes you need commercial grade not food grade. I would call your fertilizer dealer and see if they have it in 50 pound bags...or if they can order it for you. The water purification industry also uses alum as a coagulant. If you don't have a fertilizer dealer, check the web with a search for Aluminum Sulfate, you will find lots of leads. If your ag fertilizer dealer does nothave it check with your horticulture supply house...most areas have at least one. Alum is often found in fertilizer formulas for azaleas and strawberries.
Good Luck
-- Oscar H. Will III (owill@mail.whittier.edu), January 10, 2002.
Kim, I ordered mine through the store that handled bulk spices etc. in my small town. Got a ten pound sack really cheap and I know it comes in bigger quantities.
-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), January 10, 2002.
Does this mean that it is not toxic to dispose of?
-- Georg in TN (dgkotarski@bledsoe.net), January 10, 2002.
Kim, I ordered mine from a company that handles taxidermy supplies in Colorado. They shipped it right out to me. Seems like it cost about $15.00 including the UPS charges. I'll check the packaging and get the address and post it shortly. Just tossed out the catalog! Jan
-- Jan in Co (Janice12@aol.com), January 10, 2002.
Ok, sorry for the delay--The company in Broomfield, CO is Jonas Supply. They handle anything you could possibly want for taxidermy and tanning. Phone is 303-466-3377 (sorry, I don't have an 800 number for them). The address is 2260 Industrial Lane, Broomfield, CO 80020. They have a VERY nice catalog they will send you, also. Jan
-- Jan in Co (Janice12@aol.com), January 10, 2002.
Hi Kim, My hubby got the local pharmacist to order some for him. I don't know if it was food grade or not (like what Oscar said) but it worked. Good luck in your tanning endeavors. Kim :-D
-- Kim in Indiana (kwcountrygirl@aol.com), January 11, 2002.
Website for Jonas Supply:http://www.jonastaxidermy.com/order.htm
-- ~Rogo (rogo2020@yahoo.com), January 12, 2002.
In the olden days, I used alum in swimming pool maintenance. I wonder if a pool supply shop would carry the stuff, or has it been replaced by something newer/better/more expensive.
-- Peter Newcombe (s27p@shaw.ca), January 12, 2002.