looking for land in MN/WIgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am looking to buy land in the MN/WI area, within an hour or two of the Twin Cities. Hoping for at least 20 acres, with a south slope for earth-sheltered housing. Any ideas?
-- leslie oak (leslieoak@hotmail.com), January 09, 2002
Have you checked into the taxes in Wisconsin? They're real killers!
-- Pat (mikulptrc@aol.com), January 09, 2002.
Wisconsin may have high taxes, but many folks have moved out of the 'Cities to live across the border in Wisconsin because the taxes are cheaper there. With the 2 billion tax shortfall, taxes are only going to go up in MN.Sounds exepnsive either way, you are doing what many others are doing, so you probably won't find any bargins. I'm sure you know this though. Good luck, hope you find your dream. :)
-- paul (ramblerplm@hotmail.com), January 09, 2002.
Don't know anything about those two states, but there are ways to estimate how much it will cost to live there. Most of the money magazines have articles and some have online calculators you can use.And just because taxes are high in one place and low in another doesn't mean other costs will be the same between the two. Some places have really high auto insurance costs, and if you are car dependent, that will not only eat up your tax savings it is not deductible (unless you are using your vehicle for business). Other costs of living can also make a difference. Just something to think about.
-- GT (nospam@nospam.com), January 09, 2002.
If you are already married, move 3 or 4 hours west of the cities. Property up here is still under $500/acre.However, there really are no gals with more than a high school education that aren't already spoken for. So socially, you might do better if you are single in staying closer to civilization.
-- Gary from Mn (hpysheep@midwestinfo.com), January 09, 2002.