Free flower garden book : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am clearing out some stuff that I got an auction...and have this book I would like to give to someone. The title is 'Sunset Flower Book'. It has a copyright date of 1947, but I don't think the book is that old. It is published by the Lane Publishing Co. No author is noted. 252 pages. Included in the book is a bloom calendar for the Pacific coast, and has loads of flower gardening info.

I will do this like the other free give-aways I have seen on this board: If more than one person wants the book, I will draw names from a hat.

Can the winner pay actual mailing costs?

-- clove (, January 08, 2002


looks like noone wants it,,,, wish I lived on the west coast,,wont do me much good here

-- Stan (, January 10, 2002.

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