Llama healthgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Can you use Valbazen with llamas?
-- Dan from Georgia (armydan@military.com), January 07, 2002
There are no wormers specifically made for llamas but Valbazen, Dectomax or ivomectin, or the Safeguard/Panacur have been used effectively.
-- Gary (gws@columbus.rr.com), January 07, 2002.
Is your Llama named Osama bin Llama? :-)
-- Mike (uyk7@hotmail.com), January 07, 2002.
No, Dolly LLama!!!!
-- Gary (gws@columbus.rr.com), January 07, 2002.
I have two llamas and worming is an issue. They are ruminants so an injectable wormer is best. Ivermectin is what is reccommended by the llama experts. Be sure if you live in an area with deer that you worm them monthly. Llamas get worms in the brain (meningel worms (sp)) like the moose do. SubQ inject according to weight requirements. My llamas are full-grown gelts and 2-3cc works well.
-- Susan from Northern MN (nanaboo@paulbunyan.net), January 08, 2002.