Packaging meats...recycling : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I had purchased some frozen meats: chicken and ground chuck, and as I was packaging them, I thought how I was doing it just like my mother always did. 1. Wrap in saran wrap 2. Wrap and label with aluminum foil.

Here's my question...Are there better ways to package? without using aluminum foil? does it need to be used? other, cheaper materials to use?

-- Lee Martin (, January 07, 2002


Reynolds make a white paper type freezer wrap that has like a plastic coating on the inside. I use this and do an air tight type wrap and have good results. Hopes this helps

-- sherry (, January 07, 2002.

I don't use the foil. I use zip lock bags for the freezer--if you are worried about freezer burn --put them in zip lock bags that have leaks in them for extra protection. Saves alot on foil.

-- Ann Markson (, January 07, 2002.

I like the butcher wrap too, (white paper with a coating on the inside) I get mine by the roll from my local butcher. I didn't know that Reynolds makes it, I will look for that next time!

-- cowgirlone (, January 07, 2002.

I use the Reynolds wrap as well, except I double wrap tohelp prevent freezer burn.

In my area, it is not available year round, but the stores stock the shelves with them during deer season.

Another plus in that you can easily write the date on the outside wrapper with permanent marker.

-- Leesi (, January 07, 2002.

vacuum sealer,, no freezer burn,, bags are reusable/washable,, very little waste

-- Stan (, January 07, 2002.

I wrap with generic saran wrap, then with freezer paper. Works great!

-- Cheryl in KS (, January 07, 2002.

vacume sealer also takes up much less space in freezer than butcher paper. I would rather buy a vacume sealer than a new freezer.

-- ronda (, January 07, 2002.

If you are going to be doing a lot of wrapping and freezing it maybe wise to invest in large rolls of freezer paper and a paper dispensor. A large roll will have about 1100' and cost you about 30- 35 dollars and a dispensor will cost about the same. Some freezer paper is guaranteed for up to 10 years against freezer burn.

I wrap mine in saran wrap and then again in freezer paper. Then you can write on top what it is and date it.

-- r.h. in okla. (, January 07, 2002.

I use recycled shredded cheese bags. Have never bought ANY plastic bags, wrapping, etc. in welll over 30 years. Reduce, reuse, recycle.

-- Sandy Davis (, January 08, 2002.

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