Matsanobu Fukuoka, Natural Farming? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I already know who Matsanobu Fukuoka is, and his approach to natural farming, through two of his books. I was curious if anyone has had any experience with using clay seed balls in wet areas. M. Fukuoka lives in a semi-tropical location on a mountain, where clay's affinity to retaining water is an asset. I live on the coast of B.C., where lack of rainfall is not an issue. Too much rain, I figure, will cause the seeds in the ball to rot. Does anyone on this pattern of threads follow his methods of gardening, or know of anybody that does? Does anybody have any advice on which sites I might be able to get more info, on coastal use of this method? Thanks in advance.
-- roberto pokachinni on B.C. N.Coast (, January 07, 2002
I think I read somewhere that he had gone to using a fungicide in the seed balls, but I don't know what type. I tried it out here, but it is just too dry out here most springs!
-- Terri (, January 09, 2002.