oil filter--??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Help---on finding a oil filter for the F4....thanks

-- howard miller (www.hmill137@prodigy.net), January 06, 2002


Hallo Howard I have brought my MV in to the UK through a friend as opposed to an official dealer so I have been looking at things like filters, what and where. The MV filter is listed in the Champion filter catalogue. Basically every filter made whatever the bike is made by Champion. Any motorcycle dealership could order this for you. The MV filter is unique as opposed to many other bike makes which can be cross referenced. So the situation of one particular filter cropping up in various bikes is not the case with the MV oil filter listing.

-- Tony Beckwith (tbeckwith@leevalleypark.org.uk), February 18, 2002.

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