Anyone Know of a Good Garden Yeild Chart on the Net? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have been searching, but unable to locate, a good garden yeild chart on the internet. I am particarly looking for one that will give the approx. yeild in bushels or pecks, not just in pounds. It sure would help in determining garden size this year since we are going to be canning, drying or perserving most of the produce. I know about how many jars I will get from a bushel..just can't figure out how many pounds a bushel would be since each vegetable is differant in weight and size. Any help would be appreciated.
-- Karen (, January 06, 2002
Here is one that I like. Wet and windy here in Oregon today a good day to plan the garden!!
-- Sandra Beerman (, January 06, 2002.