Rita!! Spotted this farm for sale and thought of yougreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi Rita if I am remembering right your looking for a farm in the north well I saw this on e-bay and thought of you. He is not selling it on e-bay but just sending out the add to get a buyer. Anyway it is 79 acres in Wy with a house for 36,300.oo the item # is 1662245783 He said if you get ahold of him he will sent you pic's Hope this helps.
-- Teresa (c3ranch@socket.net), January 05, 2002
Hi Teresa, I went to ebay but couldn't find it. Do you have the URL or his email address? I would really love to live on 79 acres!Thanks! Rita
-- Rita (rlynchjarss@aol.com), January 05, 2002.
Hi Teresa,I found it! I emailed the seller. Thank you so much for thinking about me and my family!
-- Rita (rlynchjarss@aol.com), January 05, 2002.
Your very welcome
-- Teresa (c3ranch@socket.net), January 06, 2002.
I found it, but he was asking $363 thousand, not $36
-- Kay (kayhrtbrkr@yahoo.com), April 12, 2002.