getting rid of static!!! (Laundry) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
O.K. I hate static cling with a passion. I hate it more than I hate those dryer sheets that are good for nothing other than getting rid of static. Does anyone have any ideas for getting rid of this pesty stuff???? PLEASE!??!!!??!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- c (, January 05, 2002
I read on one of the foruns to put a piece of aluminum foil in with the laundry.I have also heard to put some fabric softener on a small,damp cloth, and add it to the dryer load.
-- Rick (, January 05, 2002.
Try hanging your clothes outdoors. Benefits:No static cling Fresh outdoor smell Natural brightening by sunshine on fabric Fresh air and exercise gained by you No electricity or gas used in process
-- HarleyinFL (, January 05, 2002.
We can't hang stuff outside in winter - freezes solid - so we hang it inside. We have a folding rack & we put blouses & skirts on hangers. This is all near the wood stove so they dry pretty fast & add moisture to the air. We only use the drier to finish towels so they'll fluff or if we're in a real hurry to get some clothes to wear.
-- Bonnie (, January 05, 2002.
I agree with hanging a line inside at night to put moisture in the air in the static or that ornery buzz that the drier makes every few minutes to try to get your attention. I have lived without a drier for almost 8 years. However, it should also be noted that I have been without a mate for the same number of years.
-- Gary from MN (, January 05, 2002.
Gary, Yes, I know. Isn't it strange, and somewhat horrible, that many, or most, of our hard come by tips, lifestyles and techniques, that we feel improve our lives, are seen as abnormal by the general dating populace? (Sorry, you hit a nerve worn raw by recent experience. :) ) Leslie
-- Leslie in MW OR (, January 06, 2002.
No dryer is good. Also all natural fibres is good. Cotton, linen, wool and other animal fibres tend not to generate or hold static charge. Even silk. Plastic fibres, on the other hand, do.
-- Don Armstrong (, January 06, 2002.
We hang laundry outside in winter all winter. It isn't the laundry freezing that is a problem, it is your hands. The laundry will dry, even though it freezes at first.If you need the moisture inside, by all means hang it inside!
-- Rick (, January 06, 2002.
Try putting a couple tablespoons of baking soda in the load, either in the washer or the dryer. Will not discolor clothes. I used to do this all the time, worked great, but don't seem to need it anymore, probably cuz my detergent contains baking soda. And Don's right about natural fabrics; much less likely to static.
-- Earthmama (, January 06, 2002.
Baking soda doesn't do anything for static. I will say that things that are 100% manmade (acrylic yarn afghans and blankets for example) will have more static than half/half fabrics. Also, it seems the higher the heat in the dryer the more static you get.Like Rick's solution, you could keep a jar with a lid mixed with a very dilute solution of fabric softener, soak old washclothes in it, squeeze out one and throw in every time. I also saw another idea about cutting sponges lengthwise and using a pickle keeper (some tupperware gizmo I think) in the container so you could pull them out more easily. Squeeze one and throw in.
Also, if you are out of fabric softener, hair conditioner can work just as well.
-- GT (, January 06, 2002.
I could be wrong of course, but I am guessing that GT meant to say, "In my experience, baking soda doesnt do anything for static" !! :)happy new year and stuff,
-- Earthmama (, January 06, 2002.
Baking soda is not a fabric softener in the sense of a static reducer-- it acts more as a deodorizer and perhaps a water softener, though borax is supposed to be a bit better for that. Vinegar also will not reduce static.Fabric softener works because it is basically coating the fabric with a grease-like substance (synthetic, but the same principle). It also can reduce water absorbency (like for towels), which is a reason I don't use it on them. Static is pretty neat, especially when you turn out the lights and let the kids watch as you pull the clothes apart!
Easy way to test is wash the exact same load with or without baking soda, during the same period of time during the year.
-- GT (, January 06, 2002.
And the problem with fabric softeners is that the chemical that constitute them are not as benign as the manufacturers will have you believe. Some are known carcinogens. I use a dryer in the winter but I just make sure I don't over dry the clothes. It is the friction from the tumbling and lack of moisture from being in there too long that help create static cling. I also hang stuff on lines in the house. Its not a Martha approved decor but gets the job done. Try setting the dryer for ten minutes less than you currently set it for and see if it helps. If the clothes are good and dry and still staticky set it for a few minutes less each time until you hit the right time to just dry the clothes (not over dry). The aluminum foil ball thing works but only for about 6 uses and again, you must take care not to over dry or even the best fabric softener/cling control won't work to keep static at bay. Best of luck.
-- Alison in NS (, January 07, 2002.
I meant to add this when I saw this post, but I was distracted by life, I guess!!I don't care much for dryer sheets either, but I even get static in my sweaters that have never even SEEN the inside of the dryer sometimes, so the stuff that hits the dryer is pretty much doomed. My main objection is the cost, and they "overdo" it with the scent sometimes. I find it helps just as much if you cut the sheets in half, so you are getting twice the loads from the same box, and not nearly as much extra "stuff" in your clothes. I also am selective about what loads get the sheets. Never towels or linens, socks or jeans. Usually just permanent press stuff that is static-prone anyway!
Don't know if this is what you are looking for, but I thought it might help a little! If you find another "magic solution", let me know!
-- Christine in OK (, February 15, 2002.
When I was a little mennonite girl going to our little mennonite church school, we girls used to have to wear ... HOSE! yes, every day. The static cling was a daily nuisance. Every day we would have to make multiple trips to the girl's bathroom to wet our hands and rub the wetness over our hosery-encased legs, to get rid of the static. Those polyester dresses of the 70's were something when combined with a nylon slip and hose! Ever since then, I keep a spray bottle of water handy to deal with static cling. Just a little spritz helps a great deal.
-- daffodyllady (, February 16, 2002.