Adoptable Family of 7 (Land) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi Everyone,I posted earlier looking for a home on some land in the Northwest but still have not found anything and I'm still looking. In the meantime, I figured I would put my family up for adoption if anyone is interested in sharing their homestead or renting it to a nice family of 7, please send me an email letting me know :-). I know that most of you are probally laughing but this is no joke. I really want off the east coast and want to be back in God's country (I was stupid for leaving it in the first place).We only learn from mistakes, and boy did I learn mine!
-- Rita (, January 04, 2002
Hi Rita,Here is local web site that can give you info on the area. I also have the Devils Lake area Chamber of Commerce page to help you find realtors that may be able to help you.
Also go to and look under classifieds for homes.
Good luck finding a place. Most people are moving off the farm.
Feel free to email me if I can help.
-- Pat in ND (, January 04, 2002.
Hi Rita,Here is local web site that can give you info on the area. I alsohave the Devils Lake area Chamber of Commerce page to help you findrealtors that may be able to help you.
Also go to and look under classifieds for homes.
Good luck finding a place. Most people are moving off the farm.
Feel free to email me if I can help.
-- Pat in ND (, January 04, 2002.
hI - yOU'RE WELCOME HERE. I have an extrA BUILDING. nORTH Central WV. 304 432 8514.
-- Elizabeth Quintana (, January 04, 2002.
Rita, what did we poor east-coast folks do that made this side so horrible?! :-) I hope you find your way back home...Dorothy was right!
-- Sheryl in ME (, January 04, 2002.
Hi Everyone,Pat can you tell me what Edmore is like? I found a 4 bedroom house on 7.7 acres. I emailed the realtor but they have not responded. I plan on calling them on Monday if they don't respond by then. Elizabeth thank you for your offer, but I'm not interested in West VA. Sheryl, I'm orginally from the east coast (Maryland). My husband retired from the service in 1992 and at that time we moved to Northern Idaho were we lived for about three years. The only reason I came back to the east coast was because my father became very ill and he wanted me back close. My father has since past away and although my mother does not want me to move back out to the Northwest, I have to do what is best for my family. Ever since we moved back to east coast there has been health problem after health problem. These problems did not exist when we were living in Idaho. They only appeared after being back here after a year and a half. Plus I really don't like living so close to Washington, D.C. and the further away I am, the happier I will be. It's nothing against the people here, just the area. You can't buy anything on land in this area unless you have a lot of money. My home is on .25 of an acre, has four bedrooms and it cost me 97k.
Thanks! Rita
-- Rita (, January 05, 2002.
Rita, Oregon is nice and not too expensive I think. I bet Century 21 could help you with listings, they are big out here. Aprox. $125K for 10 AC with reg. size house now. Enough bedrooms would cost more. Tried caretaking options? (Just so you could get into your chosen area sooner and then take your time finding a good place.) I know there are lots but not sure how to find them. Good Luck! :) Leslie
-- Leslie in MW OR (, January 06, 2002.
Rita,Edmore is a small town of aroung 300. They do have a dentist, who is very well respected, a cafe, churches depending on your religion, and probably more but I haven't been there for a while. I have found it a clean, friendly town. It is about 45 miles from Devils Lake, a town of 8,000. They have a good clinic, hospital, dentists, K-Mart, Wal-Mart, several other store (if you quilt there is specialty store that carries a wide selection). An excellent fishing and hunting area. We even have a moose that like to hang around here. I do a lot of my shopping there. Grand Forks is about 90 miles away and is about 50,000. They have all the necessities there.
Does this help?
-- Pat in ND (, January 06, 2002.
Rita - A little tip for you. We spent three years looking for what we wanted and also found that realtors don't answer e-mails. We asked one why and he said that they get so much e-mail that they would could spend all their time just answering people and that most of the people are just "lookers" and it was a waste of time. You will have to call on the phone and bug them to get imformation. We had to call some realtors several times to get them to send us any imformation. It is not easy to buy from a distance. Most of the realtors only want to deal with locals. It is easier for them but frustrating for you. If you are only looking for a homestead with a few acres you might have good luck here in the Dakotas as everyone wants the land but not the house and there are a lot of empty houses with a few acres. Barb
-- Barb (, January 06, 2002.
Pat, thanks the information it was very helpful. It's sounds like the area I have been looking for (I like small populations although my teenager doesn't). Barb, thanks for the advice. I plan on calling the realtor tomorrow. I found an 800 # for this realtor and I'll keep calling until they answer. I just hope the house is still available and livable. I have a good feeling about this, and I hope it works out. If it doesn't I'll keep searching until something does.Thanks! Rita
-- Rita (, January 06, 2002.