Looking for Cabin on a couple acres in Alaskagreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I know that is not where most folks think of for 'homesteading' but it is where our hearts are leading us so......We are looking for something along the Canadian Border. Eagle is our first choice right now if the job situation can pan out. Tok, Glenallen, Chicken, Northway. Possibly in toward Delta junction.
Must have some means for drinking water (at least a cistern set-up). Access or fixer upper is not big concern, privacy is...
Any ideas?
-- Novina in ND (homespun@stellarnet.com), January 03, 2002
If your main concern is privacy, why then do you want to buy only a couple of acres? With such a small site someone in the future could build within a hundred or so feet of you. IF you want to "secure" future privacy, IMHO, you should be looking at purchasing a minimum of 40 acres....probably more. --Happy trails, CF
-- Cabin Fever (Cabinfever_mn@yahoo.com), January 03, 2002.
You might try looking for a patented placer mineral claim. These generally are 10 to 20 acres and should be fairly remote. A good chance of no neighbors and surrounded by gov't land. Also should have a running stream if used for placer mining. You would want land that has been panned and not dredged.
-- Joe (CactusJoe001@AOL.com), January 03, 2002.