Wanted house on land in North Dakota, Montana, Idaho or Washington.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am looking for a 3+ bedroom home on some land. I have five children and I currently live in Northern Virginia. I want to relocate back to the Northwest ASAP. I am looking and hoping that someone may have a home with owner terms. I don't mind a fixer upper it just has to be livable.I prefer a remote location and I want to stay under 50k.Thank You, Rita
-- Rita (rlynchjarss@aol.com), January 02, 2002
Someone had posted a house in ND for sale a while ago - check the older questions under land and go down a bit. Don't know if it has been sold.
-- Trisha-MN (coldguinea@netscape.net), January 02, 2002.
Rita,Look in the archives under Land and scroll down to Turtle Lake, ND thread. Looks like a nice deal to me.
-- JoAnn in SD (floosie_61@yahoo.com), January 02, 2002.
I contacted the person in ND with the house on 6 acres but it is under contract.Thanks! Rita
-- Rita (rlynchjarss@aol.com), January 02, 2002.
Hi RitaIf your email addy is correct You have mail :o) I sent you a contact in ND that has property in the price range you quoted.
Have a great day.
-- Kenneth in N.C. (wizardsplace13@hotmail.com), January 02, 2002.
Hi Kenneth, Thank you but the email address was no good.Would there happen to be a different email?Thanks, Rita
-- Rita (rlynchjarss@aol.com), January 03, 2002.
(blushes) I spelled his name wrong. cullum not om. try that. I also sent you a personal reply with his addy off the email he sent me. I passed along your email addy to him as well. Hope you find what your looking for.
-- Kenneth in N.C. (wizardsplace13@hotmail.com), January 04, 2002.
I don't think Montana is for you, that is if you want a place and land for 50k or under. We live here and have been searching for almost a year. Even 20 acres dryland and a mobile home will run you around 75-100k. Irrigated land must have deposits of gold and silver, well, that is for the prices they ask LOL! I think ND or maybe WY might be better as far as pricing. Good luck in your search.
-- Kelle in MT (kvent1729@aol.com), January 04, 2002.
Kelle in MT has a good point. We looked at 13 acres near Billings and it was 78,900 had a 1978 mobile home on it. The only CHEAP land I have ever found in Montana was in Shelby, MT and that ws back in 1999.
-- Kenneth in N.C. (wizardsplace13@hotmail.com), January 04, 2002.
I realize Iowa is not "the place" to be but if you're looking for reasonably priced acreages you should check in southern Iowa. I'm in northern Iowa and things are NOT cheap here. It's flat ground and some of the best farm land in the world. Not so in southern Iowa. It's hills, dales, ponds, woods, farms also, etc. and very pretty. So, if you want a cheaper place to live check out southern Iowa. If you want the "in states" you will pay for it. I would love living in southern Iowa myself but my husbands family farm is here. Just a thought for those really considering a homesteading lifestyle and don't have alot of money.
-- Anna in Iowa (countryanna54@hotmial.com), January 04, 2002.
Under $50K won't get you much more than a mobile and a used one at that. Remote's not the problem. Plan on homeschooling your kids, that's what we've done even with the grandkids. If you're a single parent, finding jobs is tough, esp in farm country.You don't want to even think about WA, WY or MT. You won't find what you're looking for. ND and ID are good choices, if you can handle the winters.
-- matt johnson (wyo_cowboy_us@yahoo.com), January 04, 2002.
Hi everyone,Kelle, I know Montana is expensive. I haven't figured out yet exactly what people do out there. There doesn't seem to be very many jobs in that area. I guess it's so expensive because it is so beautiful. I fell in love with Montana when I went through the state. I figured that if I ever hit the lottery I could spend the rest of my life there. I have found some cheap houses in Montana but there's no land. Anna, I have been to Iowa, and it's not for me. Matt, I use to homeschool my children until I moved back to the east coast. My Mom and siblings pressured me until I enrolled them in public school. Homeschooling would not be a problem. I think children get a much better education being homeschooled than they do in a public school. The public school my children attend is small but I have had several incidents that are unbelievable. As far as a job, I'm a Mom of all trades. I was raised on 197 acre farm (we didn't own it just rented it)we raised chickens, pigs, gardens so I have experience in this field. My childhood was tough but it taught me how to do things the right way and survive. I want to work off my land as well as have a home-based business. I want to become self sufficient, But if the local area needs a gas station attendant, I'm their girl :-) I use to live in North Idaho so I know what the winters are like. North Dakota seems to top the list on price. I found a 4 bedroom on 7.7 acres for 19,900 in North Dakota and I have a message in to the realtor. The 7.7 acres may not seem like much land but my house sits on . 25 of an acre and it cost me almost 100k. My husband is retired from the service so we do have some income without a job. I want to get something lined up so that when I do have everything in order and operating I can make my move (which may be another year or so but that's ok). I loved the Northwest, the people are friendly and it is beautiful out there. I love the mountains, the clean air and all the elbow room that it offers. I know in time, I will once again be where I want to be.
Thanks! Rita
-- Rita (Rlynchjarss@aol.com), January 05, 2002.
Cheapest land I ever found in MT was in Milk River country around Malta-Glasgow. Even then (1999), 80-ac w/hse and barn was almost $800/ac. Cheapest land here in WY is greasewood/alkali @ $200/ac but no utilities. Add another $50K for bringing in utils or go without and run a genset.
-- matt johnson (wyo_cowboy_us@yahoo.com), January 05, 2002.
I deal in land here in Saskatchewan, Canada; about 200 miles from N. Dakota border I have 80 acre parcel(55ac alfalfa, 25ac light aspen woods), on the gravel road, 4 miles from village, about 15miles from full service town. In the village there is a house, build in the 50's. The 80ac and a house, a combo for US$35500. How about that. Anybody intersted e-mail me, I have other properties for sale.
-- Alexander Levin (morsealexlevin@hotmail.com), March 05, 2002.