Are the Southerners prepare for the possible winter storm? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Are the rest of you Southerners ready for this winter storm potential? I see where we have a good chance of it hitting us tonite/tomorrow. I got the propane tanks topped, kerosene heater conditioned and fueled, lamp wicks trimmed,dependable water source, batteries for the television, plenty of wine, bourbon and tobacco in reserve (food stores are always maintained since 1999) and my longhandle flannel drawers. They can bring it on, I'm ready. If I only had an alternative power source for this PC,I would have it made (maybe next season). :>)
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, January 01, 2002
Wally world has 12 to 110 inverters for about $35.00; somewhere in the 300 watt range. How much juice does a puter take?
-- mitch hearn (, January 01, 2002.
Southern I am not but we went through an ice storm that took away power for 11 days in January up here in Ont. I ran the computer off a small generator (Honda 800 watt) through a battery pack/surge protector. It's actually loss of power that harms your computer more than minor surges. Of coarse major surges are a whole other story! You'll need the battery pack to even the load, inverters will work for a computer off a battery that is being charged but not one sitting beside the computer stat. Do use a surge bar with the inverter!
-- Ross (, January 01, 2002.
We are ready! Gas for the genarators, wood for the fireplace and insert, food that I can cook on a gas grill or outdoor 'range' and the tractor has the blade is on it, good tires and plenty of fuel. The chain saws are sharp. Milk for hot cocoa. I used to hate this kind of weather--now I use it for my 'down' time. Helps slow us down and appericate the good/easy times. The only thing that bothers me is our heifers are due in a few days...
-- Debbie T in N.C. (, January 01, 2002.
Debbie in N.C.,Just wanted to say that I know what you mean when you say that this kind of weather makes you appreciate the good/easy times. Really makes you think about what is "real" in life!! I'm in Maine and get bad weather occasionally and lose the power, but I really don't mind. Like you, we're prepared. In fact I'm usually disappointed when the power comes back on!!! And...don't worry...I'm sure your heifers will be fine. Good luck!!
-- Marcia (, January 01, 2002.
Ready!?!? I hate the horrid white stuff!!!!But....propane tank is at 85%....cupboards are full (y2k got me in the storage bucket mode....still fill them up when they get low)....and inverter is ready if needed.
Really though, I look forward to a little crisis....2 or 3 days or so without TV, radio, ect....just playing with young'uns sounds GREAT!
-- Jason in S.Tenn. (, January 01, 2002.
I am ready but wish I had a wood stove right now. I have central heat which won't work in a power outage but I have a gas stove so we'll be able to stay warm and cook. It is already sleeting about 40 miles away from us. Stay warm. From 60 miles north of the Alabama Gulf Coast.
-- Faye (, January 01, 2002.
Yikes!!! I haven't even heard of a storm coming! Watched a little bit of the bowl games today, but have been mostly reading. Is it coming up into Tenn. and how much are we suppose to get? I better get the water jugs filled up. Thanks for the heads up Jay.
-- Annie (, January 01, 2002.
Annie,This is supposed to have potential to come into N. Alabama and Tennessee, but should be worse to the south from Cullman and Blount counties in Alabama from what I hear. It is apparently too close for them to call with extreme confidence.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, January 01, 2002.
Jay, I'm 20 miles north of Birmingham and the last I heard was 2-4 inches. But my neighbor brought me 3.5 pickup loads of firewood cut and split. That's the reason I was born here and will remain here. People are for the most part just good here. Gary
-- Gary in AL (, January 01, 2002.
Thanks Jay. I think I'll stay up until 11 and watch the local news to see if we're going to get any of it. The mountains might keep it South of us, but I'd like to see a little bit of snow to go with this cold weather we've been having. Thanks again!
-- Annie (, January 01, 2002.
Gary, You say your 20 mi north of Birmingham. What town are you near? I used to live south of Hanceville near Stout Mtn before moving to get closer to work in the the rocket city.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, January 01, 2002.
Not to down play the importance of this storm but....3.5 inches ?? Just take a broom a dust it off !! Good Luck !!
-- Helena (, January 02, 2002.
Jay, I'm in a little place called Palmerdale which is on Hwy.75 in Jefferson Cty on the Blount Cty line. I live on the side of Rattlesnake Mountain in a little log cabin. From what I've read of your posts it seems your either between Rocket City and Florence or Rocket City and Decatur. How's my guessin'. What do you do in Rocket City. (Email me privately if you want to.) Gary
-- Gary in AL (, January 02, 2002.
We got snow, we're waiting, hoping, please let it snow for at least two days...wood heater is going, horses are fed, donkey hates this white stuff, goat won't come out of his house, little calf has his electric heater and blankie, dogs are in the barn, cat is curious about this stuff, and I'm going out to play,,,YEAH, SNOWDAY!
-- Cindy (, January 02, 2002.
You hit it Gary. I'm in Morgan County between the Rocket and River cities. Since a big chunk of my purchases are done in Decatur, I've been following their sales tax meetings very closely. If they get it, Decatur will have the dubious honor of having the highest sales tax in the state. BTW, I deer hunted at a farm in that area in '93, nice country.Helena,
Not sure where your at, but here we only get winter weather for a week or so each year. When the snow comes , its usually on top of an ice layer, then a deep freeze for a few days. 3 inches of snow over a couple inches of ice with below freeze temps tends to gut punch the area when it hits. We stay home and wait for power to be restored and pray the water lines survived.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, January 02, 2002.
3.5" is a lot of snow for us! We are prepared though. Food in the pantry, firewood for the woodburning insert, batteries, water, candles, lamps, etc. I really enjoy this board although I just lurk. Are there any other similar boards that you guys enjoy? Thanks.
-- Valerie in SC (, January 02, 2002.
Got a dusting here. Ahhhh My daughter was hoping for a day off from school. The locale store is now void of milk and bread. Yuck. I much prefer steaks and salad. :o)
-- Kenneth in N.C. (, January 02, 2002.
Well, it looks like it all stayed south of us. I saw where some parts of North Carolina could get 6 or more inches. The local weather says it looks like snow coming this way into Sat. night, with it snowing Sunday and Monday. They don't know how much yet. These mountain roads aren't too much fun to drive in when they're snow covered. I heard that there were alot of power outages from this storm you all got, stay safe and warm!
-- Annie (, January 03, 2002.
Maybe we'll miss the action this weekend also. Only 3 months to tilling time :>)
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, January 03, 2002.
I'm so disappointed! I live in the Ga. Mtns., and Atlanta got the snow, while we only got a dusting! I'm so jealous ...
-- Emmy (, January 04, 2002.
No snow here in North Florida but we did manage to make it down to 27 this morning and colder expected tonight. Trivial by our more northern neighbors standards I suppose but when you consider that many folks don't even have houses or covers over their well pumps it always manages to catch a few unawares. About the only thing I did last night was to drip the faucets and move some of the more cold sensitive plants into the workshop with a kerosene lantern to keep them warm.Now the ice storm we got in '89 and the Storm of the Century in '94, there were a couple of pains in the behind!
-- Alan (, January 04, 2002.