Wanted 30+ acres & smaller house or mobile in WVgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We are looking for an acreage with a home and preferably barn (nothing fancy) - good water, and fencing. Within 35 miles to Charleston or other major center. If you know of something please email me or post here. Thanks Stefanie
-- Stefanie Schermerhorn (tmpaso@telusplanet.net), January 01, 2002
Stefanie, check www.unitedcountry.com , the listings for WV from Elizabeth and Spencer WV would be the closests to the Charleston area.The area just outside of Morgantown, like the Hundred, WV listings offer a much better price and a better chance of work, the county Morgantown is in has the lowest unemplyoment (less than 4%) in all of WV !!! Big college in that town and alot of growing industries and commerce.
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (annie@1st.net), January 01, 2002.
I noticed that the motel we stayed at in Morgantown was the only one in WV that we stayed in that had bullet proof protection for the desk clerks.It sure did seem out of place.
-- Rick (Rick_122@hotmail.com), January 01, 2002.
I go to school in Morgantown (just got my first apartment!) and I can tell you I feel very safe here. Really beautiful country, too.
-- Elizabeth (Lividia66@aol.com), January 01, 2002.
To comment on Morgantown-depending on your job skills you might want to look elsewhere. The town's good and fairly safe as far as towns go and land and housing can be found that's really reasonable but higher paying jobs are harder to come by. I live 10 miles from there and my hubby spent a year looking for a decent paying job before going over the road.
-- Terri Bennett (mrs_swift_26547@yahoo.com), January 01, 2002.
You may already know this, but if you're interested in the Charleston area or the Morgantown-Fairmont-Clarksburg corridor or maybe Buckhanon-Elkins, subscribe to the Sunday edition of the daily newspapers or the weekly paper.Some folks will not use a realtor. You'll have to spend time in the area to find those properties. Some of realtor associations publish a periodic multi-county listing that's free at stores.
Unless you have a high demand skill like nursing, etc. I'd look at job possibilities before looking for property. There's more people from West Virginia than in West Virginia because of the job situation.
-- Darren (df1@infi.net), January 03, 2002.
The Morgantown and Fairmont papers are on-line. Check out DominionPost.com and TimesWV.com.Don't forget the Eastern Panhandle. Martinsburg and Shepherdstown, etc. within easy distance of Washington DC.
-- Anne (Healthytouch101@wildmail.com), January 03, 2002.