Looking for a country home....greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi! I just stumbled across this forum the other day. I LOVE it! *S* Since I have found that so many people are sooo helpful, I am wondering if someone could help my husband and I out. We live in Ormond Beach/Daytona, FL area...yeah...just like a number of other people I see! *grin* Anyway, we just got married in September and I moved to FL from Northern British Columbia, Canada, a town of about 5000 people. What a switch!!!!! I am struggling to adjust to the humidity, and city life!!!!What we need help with is this:
We are looking to move out of FL. We don't have a lot of money for a down payment, but are either looking to rent/lease/purchase an acreage with a house on it. We have NO idea what area of the world yet. We would LOVE to live Colorado-near Denver, but we're pretty open to any ideas at this point and time. We are looking for something that is for sale by owner, preferably. We don't need LOTS of land...though we'd like at least 5 acres(bare minimum!!!). I own 1 horse, which is still up in Canada waiting for us to relocate, am hoping to get a couple more, and own a large dog...though she is a puppy right now. We would need to be near an urban center so that my husband could find work....and the fact that my husband would like to live near a larger center.
I am wondering if anyone can give us any ideas, or if anyone has a place for sale that we could come to an agreement on. Our lease on our apartment is up end of May..after that we're free to go wherever! *S*
Thanks so much for all your help! And I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!!!
Have a WONDERFUL day! Tash
-- Natasha (gideon@bestnetpc.com), December 29, 2001
Contact a college buddy of mine at bearcesr1@earthlink.net. Mentioned I referred you. He just moved from the Denver, CO area to SC. Couldn't wait to get out. He is visiting relatives so don't expect a response for at least a week.If you are interested in an area around a city do this. Find the counties surrounding the city. Find the county seat. Write to the Chamber of Commerce there asking to be referred to realtors. For those who respond send them as detailed of a list as possible on what you are looking for and ask they send listings which meet most of those requirements. Then fly in, rent a car and spend a day in each county looking at the most promising of the properties.
While Nashville isn't Denver, it has a very low unemployment rate. But here also, you have to commute about an hour to find affordable acreage.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), December 29, 2001.
Hello Natasha,Post in various forums and newspapers that you are interested in caretaking someone's property. This is a good way to get out to the country to live if you do not have much money to buy your own place. There is also a newspaper called the Caretaker Gazette that might be helpful.
-- http://communities.msn.com/livingoffthelandintheozarks (espresso42@hotmail.com), December 29, 2001.
I live just outside of Denver. The mountains & some of the surrounding areas are beautiful, lots to do & plenty of winter sports. I can tell you that prices have skyrocketed the last few years, roads are very congested, & cost of living is pretty steep. For 5 acres, average home, within an hour of denver plan on spending at least $225,000. There may be bargains, but they get snatched up quick! And anything zoned for horses comands a premium price it seems. We bought our 1st home exactly 2 yrs ago, looked for over a year, and finally found a 1.3 acre place with a real fixer-upper older modular home. No fencing, no landscape, just dirt & stickers and a few poorly kept up trees. Price was considered a steal at $125,000. Houses in this neighborhood are now going for $165-180,000 and all are about an acre with modulars. I have not seen any of them stay on the market for long. My parents live in the Parker area. Nearly 8 acres, 1200 foot home w/ basement, & 4 stall barn. Bought 10 yrs ago for $129,000 now worth about $275,000. Both my parents, as well as my husband and I are looking to relocate due to high living costs, high taxes, crowds, etc.
-- ellie (elnorams@aol.com), December 29, 2001.
Hi, Natasha,This is what we were able to find. We have 12 acres of land here in Texas. The fellow that we bought it from has purchased thousands of acres of farm and ranch land in Grimes and Madison counties in Texas, and he subdivides them into either 3, 6 or 12 acre plots. We purchased two 6 acre plots because we liked the land here. The prices are very, very reasonable. We have a 30 year note which is carried by the landowner, our payments for our house and 12 acres runs about 775.00 a month. If you purchase just the land, it will cost you about $17,500 for 6 acres. It gets HOT here in the summertime, but it's beautiful country, gently rolling hills and lots and lots of trees - either pines or oaks - we have the oaks and are on the edge of the East Texas Piney Woods. We purchased our little home almost complete, except for sheetrock, etc. We did the rest of it by ourselves, and as a matter of fact, are still working on it. There are several empty little houses here because people move to the country, not really knowing what they bargained for! Me, I love it, and I grew up in the City all my life. I'm 54 years young, am raising rare heritage turkeys, chickens, geese, ducks, and in March will have my first Nubian goats! Life is very, very good here.
Gerry :<)
-- Gerry (glassshack@earthlink.net), December 29, 2001.
$775.00 x 360 = $279,000.00 ?
-- paul (primrose@centex.net), December 29, 2001.
I just wanted to thank you for all your repsonses! it seems of all the places we looked at, we have fallen in love with Missouri! We are still open to other options, but that is what we are in the process of looking in to. Thanks again for all the response! I really appreciate it! Feel free to e-mail me or leave a message on the board! Thanks again! Have a great day! Natasha
-- Natasha (gideon@bestnetpc.com), January 04, 2002.
We have 63 acres, a 4 bedroom home, a couple of old cabins and other out buildings for sale in the upper peninsula of Michigan. We would sell the whole for around $130,000 or the house and three acres for about 35,000 or some other combination of land and house you might be interested in. This is a beautiful area and this is a special spot. The school bus turns around at the end of the county Rd. that ends on our land. No neighbors in site and miles and miles of woods to wander in adjacent. We have been here 20+ and raised three kids here the homesteading way but the kids have grown up and we want to do a little traveling. Any questions just ask. Mike&Bonnie Miller
-- Mike&Bonnie Miller (mimiller@portup.com), May 29, 2002.
$775.00 x 360 = $279,000.00 ?Interest, Paul.
-- Elizabeth (ekfla@aol.com), May 30, 2002.