Wanted 20 or so acres in S.E. Ohio!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We are looking for land in SE Ohio to place our campers on now, Then build a home on later. 20 or more acres would work(woods with open land). We have cattle, pygmy goats, & chickens that will move with us at that time. Stream, creek, pond, driveway a plus. Timbered land or mineral and gas/oil rights that don't transfer to new owner we don't need or inflated land prices like we have found latey. We live near Akron, Oh. So if any of you have or know of this land please email me or post here. EMAIL - HawgDoc@aol.com Thanks for any and all help that we get!!!! John -n- family
-- John R. Smith (HawgDoc@aol.com), December 29, 2001
Me too.If you find more than you can use please let me know. Lets see now, a pond, or creek. The soil and water people in my county tell me that a one quarter acre pond can be built for from $5,000 to $10,000 (thier numbers not mine). But you would like one to already be there, Me too.
Now you would like some of the land to be cleared, no doubt for a homesite, good plan; me too. You would like a driveway to already be in place. That's a good idea at the bare minimum cost of $3 per foot a 700-800 foot driveway could get into eating up your loose change, so I hope you find that too.
Now you want all the mineral rights, that is the norm. You also want all the gas and oil rights, that is the norm too. At this point I would suggest that you be sure that your prospect property does not have easemants for pipelines on the property. There is a lot of problem right now with Marathon attempting to widen a pipeline easment that they own, by using eminent domain. It seems that they need to pipe desil fuel from Ashland KY, to Columbus OH, for the good of the public (eminent domain), not to mention the possibility of profits. The old easments of 40 feet need to now be 200 feet wide (or so). Someone I know stands to loose a barn, and another person I know may loose a house, so watch out for this stuff too.
So if you find someone with a whole bunch of these magic properties, pond, some cleared flat land, driveway, all mineral rights, and most importantly NO INFLATION. Please let me know, just drop me a card and I will be right there: ED COPP REALTY, P.O. Box 281, McARTHUR, OH 45651
-- Ed Copp (OH) (edcopp@yahoo.com), December 29, 2001.
There is barely any flat land in SE Ohio, and what little I know of is already taken. However you might try the Bruner Land Company. I posted the phone number on the other thread for land in Se Ohio. I have noticed lately that there have been several requests for land in this area. It is a nice place to live, but economically not the strongest area in the country. Unless you have a seperate income, there is little real potential for a job making much more than minimum wage. Many people travel to other locations or are retired. The average income for our school district area is about $20,000. Most available jobs are in the retail field, or elderly care. There is a good bit of construction right now, especially if you can do masonary work. The coal mines in our area have either longwalled already or have the plans/permits to longwall most of our county and parts of others as well. When they longwall you face the very real prospect of damage to your home and land, and losing your well water, and the water that flows into your ponds, streams and springs. It is extremely rare to find a piece of property that still retains rights to the Pittsburg 8 vein of coal (this is the one they mine)
-- Melissa (me@home.net), December 29, 2001.
NOT ME! Dear Ed; Thanks for being a smarta$$!!!! If you need ponds at that price call us, we'll be down to the excavation. Strip mine land selling for $2000.00 and up is INFLATED PRICES - NOT INFLATION, It would be nice to build a home then have a well drilled right in your front yard, Because you don't own the rights to land. NOT ME! And Ed I hope the good people of McArthur like you, Because If I found you on fire I wouldn't pi** on you to put you out!!!! Anyway Ed thanks for your reply, Hope the New Year is good to you and God Bless the folks that are around you for not hanging your silly a$$ Not mad just glad you don't live my me! John R. Smith
-- John R. Smith (HawgDoc@aol.com), December 29, 2001.
I almost hate to get in the middle of this, but I have a piece of property for sale, so I'm going to stick my neck out.John, our property is in Center township in Monroe County. 32.5 acres -- It has a pond, a spring, and is bordered in the back by a creek. There are ten acres of woods and the balance is in hayfield and pasture. There are two or three excellent house sites - and it is back a private lane. The property is fenced in new Lifetime electrified high tensil fence.
Our property is between Woodsfield and Malaga on st rt 800. Great property, - just too far from our farm to be practical - too much road time. (It will run ten to twelve cow/calf pairs)
Email me and I will give you our phone number and we'd be happy to show the farm to you anytime.
-- homestead2 (homestead@localnetplus.com), December 29, 2001.
John, Most of what I've read thus far is pretty much true for these diggins. The foothills are beautiful to live in but the ground/soil is not very good to garden, and the stability of the land underneath your dwelling is always questionable due to the mines! The mining companies will tell you that they pose no threat to homes or land, but we've had highways sink to the abyss and homes also in the areas. I am in Athens Co., there is land available but it will be to high in Athens Co. Try Vinton, Meigs or Hocking Co's around here. Vinton is not very populated and alot of land, but there are mines and then of course ED. Take into perpective that Ed is a salesman apparently. I've known of land in Vinton and Meigs going for around $300.00 - $1000.00 an acre. There is great hunting in these counties. Roads aren't always the greatest but Vinton is low tax. As for the pipelines doing an eminant domain, you'd had to do a thourough deed research and breakdown the wording, companies can't just go out an take your land, niether can the government (without cause). The area government have been taking road tax money to build bike trails on peoples properties and taking it by eminant domain - which is illegal as hell. This is actually happening all across the country. The land owners either can't fight it because they don't have the guts nor money and time. The smart ones are forming committees to fund it and fight it and winning! Why do I tell you this? Because you need to know and so does the rest of the country. Good Luck & Happy New Year! Bruce
-- Bruce Sherrets (bruces@frognet.net), December 30, 2001.
Bruce,It sounds like you and John can remember the 70's and the late 60's when there was a little land available in my county, Vinton county for $300 or so. Didn't buy any did you? Won't do it today. This is the 21st century. I get laughed at by folks who do know what they are talking about, all the time; with my cash offers of $1,000 per acre.
Good luck, it is fun...
-- Ed Copp (OH) (edcopp@yahoo.com), December 30, 2001.
We keep track of all of the land auctions around here either by ourselves, or some friends and relatives who are looking for land. The cheapest we have seen in the last year was $700 an acre, and most of it was so steep that you would have a hard time rasing billy goats. The bottom part was a swamp. The old farmers laughed at the person who bought it and said he was planning to either raise rice or goats, becasue that was all it was good for. I think the person wanted it just for hunting, so probably didn't mind the hilliness. I do hope that the previous posters property is a good prospect for you!
-- Melissa (me@home.net), December 30, 2001.
Homestead, how much is the property? We have friends who are really looking also, so if it doesn't work out maybe you can post the amount on here and we can let them get in contact with you.
-- Melissa (me@home.net), December 30, 2001.
Melissa, Email me and I'll give them a price, a phone number and we'd be happy to show it to them anytime.
-- homestead2 (homestead@localnetplus.com), December 30, 2001.
Hi John, yes, you can still find land at around 1500 per acre in under 50 acres amounts, you have to get over 50 acres to get 1000 per acres prices usually, sometimes "by owner" you can get lucky and get a good price, like 900 an acre.I am very near homestead2's property, good laying land there, and if you are like us and have a yard that has been grass for the last 120 years, you can get excellent topsoil for a garden. The topsoil in our garden is a foot and a half thick, wonderful growing medium! The land that has been commercially cultivated is another story however!
Try these websites: www.swisslands.com ; www.fleihmenrealty.com ; www.unitedcountry.com (Woodsfield listings) ; www.brunerland.com.
Swisslands are the best to deal with personally, nice folks and the most honest for realty people.
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (annie@1st.net), January 01, 2002.
We found it, 45 acres with 2 ponds, good springs, creek, road in to it, it was under $1500.00 an acre with all rights transferring and yes it's virgin land with woods and pastures. There are still some good folks out there willing to help people out an not rob them. The land we is 25 minutes from Cambridge, OH
-- John (HawgDoc@aol.com), March 18, 2002.