wanted: 5-20 acres near Pittsburgh, PAgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi there.First time poster, relatively long time lurker.
I'm looking for some acreage near Pittsburgh, PA [near being a relative term - anywhere within a 45 minute drive] - not very picky about the type of land, but an area that has enough buildable area for a nice house, or better yet - a few acres with that nice house already built :)
Any resources or availability you can point me to would be very much appreciated.
Thanks, Jon
-- Jon Kolko (jon@smallbear.org), December 27, 2001
These websites are from the SE Ohio area, but offer a hour commute, some of them, to the Pittsburgh area, land is definitely cheaper on this side of the river here.www.swisslands.com ; www.fleihmanrealty.com ; www.unitedcountry.com (Woodsfield) ; www.brunerland.com .
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (annie@1st.net), December 27, 2001.
Look in WV it is a beautiful place and the taxes are cheap to me and so is land. look in www.realtors.com that is how we found our place.
-- sonneyacres (jtgt12@ntelos.net), December 27, 2001.
Jon, please email your postal address and I will send you some property/house ads out of local papers. We are about an hour out of Pittsburgh.
-- Michael W. Smith in North-West Pennsylvania (kirklbb@penn.com), December 30, 2001.