After Christmas bargin (Unused XMAS trees for crafts) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Well it is the day after Christmas and off to find a bargin. We found ours. We just got in from hauling 230 cut Christmas trees and pileing them in the yard. About 300 more to haul home, we can bring about 80 at a time on the truck and trailer. Those trees were almost 30 dollars each last weekend and today they were really on sale. Hope you found a great bargin like we did. Happy holidays to all. David.
-- David (, December 26, 2001
What are you planning to do with all those trees?
-- Anita in NC (, December 26, 2001.
We use them to make Chirstmas ornaments that we sell at art and Craft shows. Me and the wife both do wood work and carve.
-- David (, December 26, 2001.
Down here, the cities keep an area where everybody can throw out their trees in one or two spots in the towns. The trees are taken to south Padre Island, where they are used for keeping the sand dunes intact. Tides and wind really take a toll on sand dunes down here.
-- j.r. guerra (, December 27, 2001.
There is a local rancher who invites people to give him their trees. He sinks them in his lake for fish habitat (?) and piles them up somewhere else on his acreage for quail and animals to use.....
-- (, January 01, 2002.