You feckin wish, yer southern b@st@rds : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Match summary from the BBC sports site:

Arsenal stun Chelsea

Arsenal go top of the Premiership by coming from behind to beat Chelsea 2-1 at Highbury.

Any comment is superflous.

-- Anonymous, December 26, 2001


A Pea

-- Anonymous, December 26, 2001

In their defence, the Arse were top for about 1 hour and 30 mins.

-- Anonymous, December 26, 2001

Is it just me or does everyone else seem to be playing lots of games at home while we've played 2 of the last 6 at home. Still not complaining though, only about being at work. This is it then lads n'lasses Chelsea, Manure and leeds. We get six points from those three games and we should consider getting time off work pre-approved coz we're gannin to be gannin aalll awer urope.

-- Anonymous, December 26, 2001

howay Syme.... seasons best mate!!!!

you figure six points.... where do you think we'll get 'em????

I'll be pleased with 5....a win and two draws

-- Anonymous, December 27, 2001

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