Any truth that Lusenet may shut down? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Word on the street...ahh...on the computer, says that Lusenet may shut down? Any truth to the rumor?
-- Karen (, December 26, 2001
Also, while I am thinking of it..Ken, if it is true, is there an alternate site you are going to set up where we can gather if it does happen? I've notice some of the other forums are setting some up.
-- Karen (, December 26, 2001.
Lucenet has no plans to shut down. Dave is investigating various options as stand-by. See the thread lower down on "Ken, do you kow about" - or something to that effect.Occasional problem with the forum being down is the server is physically located away from where the maintainers are. When it goes down, they have to send someone over to reset it, which can take a day or so.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, December 26, 2001.