photographic prints of typed lines : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

what if i printed a typed document on an overhead transparency, that is, black print on a clear acetate sheet, then exposed a piece of paper under the enlarger with no negative and the transparency on top of it, then developed. would i get a photo print of the words/images on the transparency? (but reversed in b/w) has anyone done this?

-- peter bg (, December 24, 2001


Sure, works fine. You'll get white letters on black paper. Some hobbiests use that technique to make dense negatives and positives for making printed circuit boards. You can put all sorts of things on photo paper to make images. I think Man Ray did a bunch of this.

-- Conrad Hoffman (, December 25, 2001.

in addition to Conrads comments...

contact printing general stuff on photo paper is called 'photograms' I think. Common objects to use are leaves and other things with different density that show up on the paper in different levels of grey.

-- Nigel Smith (, December 25, 2001.

A young lady I knew used to put beautiful flowers on color paper with excellent results!

-- Scott Walton (, December 26, 2001.

I think you can put titles on your prints using this method. Project through the transparency (or at least part of the transparency with the words). Think of old style postcards where the location was written in white letters. I belived they used this method. Give it a go!

-- Johnny Motown (, December 27, 2001.

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