Want Land/Farmstead in OKgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi folks. been lurkin for quite a while. Husband just got laid off on Christmas Eve and so it looks like we're finally ready to make a move out of the rat race and to the country since there isnt much holding us back now. Had been thinking to save just a little bit more, but that's life in the big city I guess. We're interested in 10-20 acres in OK suitable for a mobile or with an existing mobile or house that could be owner financed. Would be able to put down up to $10,000 (if with an existing home, less if not), but we wouldn't be able to get a loan as our credit is pretty terrible due to some medical problems a while back. We're lookin to end up within an hours ride to OKC. Have seen a few on this forum from OK, if you know of any suitable properties available, would appreciate it if you'd give a holler. We're wanting to raise some chickens and sheep and grow our own vegetables and so forth. Any help anyone can give would surely be appreciated.
-- Lizzie (LizzieJ123@hotmail.com), December 24, 2001
Hi Lizzie, You might want to check with Milburn Realty located in Shawnee, OK. Sorry I don't have the number. They have many plots of land from 2.5 to 20 acres and many with septic/well, etc. They finance their own land. The last time I checked, about a month ago, they also had one with an existing older mobile on it, 2.5 acres I think, maybe more.
-- s rowan (shamelesscowgirl2001@yahoo.com), December 24, 2001.
Hey Lizzie,There are 10 acres down the road and around the corner from me. Don't know anything about it, but it is on blacktop, which is a luxury in these parts. If you'd like, I can find out some facts for you. We live about 5 miles west of Tecumseh, which is about 20 minutes from Shawnee. This area is very comfortable and friendly. Lots of trees in this area. Mainly blackjack though. Good place for chickens and sheep, but you'll have to add stuff to the soil, since we have the famed red clay in this area. The town of Tecumseh is very quaint and you'd love it. We shop for most of our groceries there, but go into Shawnee for most everything else. We really hate it if we have to go into OKC for anything, which is about 45 minutes away. Well, from our place to the airport is 45 minutes. Anyway, I'm not sure if the place I mentioned would owner finance, but it can't hurt to check it out. It is really wonderful to live in this area, but the closer to OKC you get the more people you'll find and the more it will cost you. Our county is rich in Native American culture with several tribal headquarters located within it. Well, I think I've rambled enough. I hope you will become our neighbor. You want some goats? lol We just had two more kids and are looking to downsize big time. Good luck with your search.
-- Iris (WatchingWideEyed@peaceful.com), December 24, 2001.
you might regularly check connectok.com and refer to the real estate section. also, there are plenty of jobs, may not be exactly what you or your husband want, but there is plenty of work of all types. also, i think you might check oklahoman.com i think that site is still running.my best wishes to you and your family.
-- gene ward (gward34847@aol.com), December 25, 2001.
thanks a bunch folks. s rowan I searched for realtors in Shawnee and found the number, and Iris I'd be thrilled if you could make some enquiries, but lol, I;ll pass on the goats!!! gene, thanks for the sites, there's quite a bit available I see. sorry it took so long to respond but what with persuading hubby he shouldn't go kill his ex boss and CHRISTmas, it's been real hectic here. hope you all had a great CHRISTmas, in spite of everything, we did.
-- Lizzie (LizzieJ123@hotmail.com), December 26, 2001.
Hi Lizze,Do check out the Oklahoman classifieds, particularly sundays. There are lots of owner financed properties. If you are looking at putting a trailor on check out cost of a well, septic and electricity before you buy. Generally though you'll get a much better deal with a trailer on the place already. You should be able to put alot less the 10,000 down on 10-20 acres with a mobile.
One other word of caution, drive the roads AFTER a heavy rain. The dirt roads can flood and be very bad deep mud. We get alot of rain in the spring and the dirt roads can be nasty. If you want something now before the heavy rains ask the neighbors how the roads are. Also figure that you can only average 20 mph on the dirt after a rain or snow.
-- Stacia in OK (OneClassyCowgirl@aol.com), December 26, 2001.
Hey Lizze, Shawnee is not bad, just have to check the area out before you buy. Also, as you go East, you change the into a long distance situation. My wife and I bought 30 acres that we are very happy with. There are a few places out and about that have the utilites and have had a mobile there. Shawnee has been growing, but who knows what will happen now. More people than you think are in the same boat as yourselves. Can you put in your own utilites? There is a place I know that is a mobile home park, but it has 5 acres tracks for $120.00 a month with water and trash included. This could get you started and let you find what you want as far as land. This is located in the Choctaw area and has blacktop roads. I just sold my mobile there and it was set up on a nice 5 acre lot. You might want to consider that as an option as there are starting to be some nice places come up with people having to move and others from distressed financial situations. I will look around for any other sites in the Shawnee-Meeker area if you would like. Good luck! GEM
-- Glen (GEMCO@oecadvantage.net), December 26, 2001.
Lizzie, If you're still lookinng, go to www.ruralproperty.net. It's a great little monthly publication of rural properties across the country plus Canada (and occassionally, elsewhere). A yearly subscription is $16.00, and you can place ads too. Good Luck!
-- Deborah Stephenson (wonkaandgypsy@hotmail.com), December 26, 2001.
Hi, Lizzie, I am glad you were able to enjoy the holidays even with your unfortunate luck.Hubby and I live on the north side of Edmond (trust me, don't look here, you can't put a mobile on anything), which is only about 10 minutes from North OKC. Where I might suggest would be a bit further north of us, in Logan County, between Edmond and Guthrie. We looked at several places around here, and while it's still not cheap, if you can get in the Arcadia/Guthrie area, you would be close to I-35 and still rural enough to do as you please. I wouldn't mess around too much in the Deer Creek area to the west of Edmond, though, as it has flooding problems, and all the land out there seems to be sprouting those $300,000 homes that Edmond is becoming so famous for.
Good luck, and let us all know how the search comes. By the way, in passing, I grew up in Shawnee, and I would say any area between Shawnee and Edmond would be pretty good, but do check that dirt for red streaks! And remember, it don't come out, neither!
-- Christine in OK (cljford@aol.com), December 27, 2001.
Hi, I have a daughter in Shawnee in college and one in Stillwater too,at OSU. I believe land in and around those areas are higher than where I live which is in S.E. OK. I have 300 acres which I paid 400 an acres. Why don't you try Eastern OK.? Want me to check out anything let me know. Debbie
-- Debbie (bwolcott@cwis.net), December 29, 2001.