Anyone looking for property in Kansas to buy?? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hubby & I have property in Kansas /we want to sell & wondered if anyone would be interested?? We are in a small "rural" town/ in I guess you would say S.E Kansas /we are in the middle of the flint hills & cattle country. The town we live in/ has a population of maybe 50 on a nice warm day---on main st. we have an 11,000 sq ft warehouse across the street from an 1800's stone mill (they are in the process of starting to restore). We also have our completely remodeled home (which was built in the 40's with stained glass window & old wood work & lots of personality) & we have a guest house next door (which was a rental house) & a barn & an over sized garage & 2 storage buildings/etc/etc/ & 3 orchards---(I have ducks & geese & chickens---don't know if you can have large animals in town or not). We also have our own water well /as well as city water---we have a new furnace but also have a wood stove--garden spot--etc/etc/etc/etc/-we are on a septic system. We live in a small town but are set up to be mostly self-sufficient also. The warehouse was once a manufactureing plant---I had a country store & now just use it /to store antiques & collectables we sell to dealers only/ by appointment only----so it could be used for most anything your heart desired / as only your imagination would limit you!! We want to size down & move closer to hubby's work--we are getting oldier--) We are selling all for under $120,000.00 --- If you would like more information----please e-mail me & I will be glad to answer any questions. If you have wanted to leave the "city" --move to rural USA have a business & a place to live & a house to rent---& be self-sufficient-this is a good start!!!!! I would consider leaveing some of my ducks & chickens & Geese to the person who proved they would give them proper care!!!! Thank you---Sonda in Ks.
-- Sonda (, December 23, 2001
Correction --hubby says/ we are in South central Kansas---dah--guess I don't even know where I live!! ha! So instead of South Eastern Ks. we are in more central or south central--- sorry---about the location!! You want Hubby to give you directions also!!! ha!! Sonda
-- Sonda (, December 23, 2001.
Sonda,Which county?? I'm in Lyon (college town here), and aside from going to school, we are looking to get land in the country. Farm raised was I, but getting tired of playing rural on the edge of town. Interest would be dependent on the county you're in, and it's proximity to my college, or a reasonable alternate. If you'd like, e- mail me at my address.
-- Marty in KS (, December 27, 2001.
Marty-----I have e-mailed you more information----we are close---- after you receive the information if you have any questions please let me know----SondaP.S. here is the web site for the 1800's stone mill they are in the process of restoreing which is across the street from our 11,000 sq ft warehouse---our home & guest house/etc/etc/etc/ are 2 blocks from it also----this is a really, really small rural town---here is the web site for the mill--- point/
-- Sonda (, December 28, 2001.