Reverse shift pattern? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I'm taking possession of an F4 in a couple of weeks and I'd like to change the shift pattern to GP before I get on the thing. I haven't ridden street shift in years. Anybody know where I can get something other than the factory replacement shift drum thing? (which I'm sure costs another fortune)

-- Sean Edwards (, December 23, 2001


Not an answer, but the factory replacement shift drum...does anybody have a part number(s)..does any one have a factory gp conversion. What is all involved, I may have machinedan ORO pedal set that has shift rod on it to allow reversing pattern, but If I can get an drum...maybe I can machine those for others. What type of prices are we looking at


-- david chicatelli (, December 30, 2001.

I assume by GP shift pattern you mean one up, five down, why not fit a set of rearsets? I have fitted a set of Gilles, made in Germany, they are good quality and apart from just nudging the inside of the fairing, work very well.To be honest I only fitted them as I thought the originals looked crap compared with the rest of the bike and also because I wanted to trick it up a bit. Cheers, happy new riding year.

-- juanos (, January 01, 2002.

How does fitting rearsets reverse the shift pattern? The gear lever already faces "backwards"......

-- andy mac (, January 04, 2002.

The installation of rear sets changes the shift pattern because of the way you mount the pivot to the shift rod. If the pivot is mounted on top, when you step on the pedal you will pull the rod and the pivot that is mounted to the shaft will rotate in a clockwise manner. If you mount the pivot below, when you step on the pedal you are still pulling the rod, except you have changed the rotation from clockwise to counterclockwise, thus having changed your shift pattern by definition. That is what most of the Japanese companies do. It is a simple and smart way to do things. If it is still not clear just draw it on a piece of paper and it should become very clear.

Sincerely, Fabio

-- Fabio Andrade (, January 09, 2002.

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