Why move to Missouri? Land for salegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Are people really serious about getting out of the big cities? I did that, moved to Missouri, & now have to move again (job is taking me to Arkansas). For less than the price of a house with a teensy nothing of land in the big city, a person can own hundreds of acres of beautiful land, trees, pasture, with deer and solitude. I'd owner finance part of it, pay for a well, and work things out for the right buyer. It's near Steelville in S.E. Missouri, next to National Forest land. If it doesn't sell as one piece, it's going to get divided up and the price per acre has to go up. If you're serious, email. I'm not a real estate agent. Have a good holiday week, and be safe.
-- June Walters (homesteader2001@onebox.com), December 22, 2001
how many acres and how much is it?
-- paul hyland (weedpatch25@yahoo.com), December 22, 2001.
In What region of Arkansas are you moving? I have a home on 47 acres for sale. I'm not an agent either, just someone hoping to stay home full-time.
-- Stephanie (sstips@yahoo.com), December 22, 2001.
Ok people I want details!! LOL I live in south central Mo and have been in the same house for 8 years. We were military before this and moved every 2 years. Its time to move again I am very resless! Tho I love Missouri we still want to live here but time for a change :) oh I get worse in the spring, then I really want to move. I think I was a gipsy in a former life Haha.
-- Teresa (c3ranch@socket.net), December 23, 2001.