House & 6 acres, $24,500 . . .with owner terms!! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Santa has arrived early. Check my place out:
-- bruce (, December 18, 2001
That is great, nice house, great deal, Santa or divine intervention? Merry Christmas, Karole
-- Karole (Biz3boymom@aol.ocm), December 19, 2001.
Looks good Bruce. Congratulations!
-- Kenneth in N.C. (, December 19, 2001.
Are you buying or selling?
-- Laura Jensen (, December 19, 2001.
Laura,Sorry if it is confusing. I'm selling.
-- bruce (, December 19, 2001.
Just a few notes - this is beautiful country! For those of you who like open spaces, you will be able to see for miles. My parents used to live on Lake Sakakawea and were raised near the Turtle Lake area (Bruce - Anamoose and McCluskey area if you are curious). The winters can be long, cold and full of snow but can also be mild with higher than normal temps and not so much snow. You can experience the four seasons in this neck of the prairie. Nice people, mostly of Germans from Russia descent - always willing to help and feed you! If someone doesn't mind taking a chance on the beauty of winter, this would be an excellent place.
-- JoAnn in SD (, December 20, 2001.
JoAnn in SDIs the water around the Turtle Lake area mineralized? hard? What type of school system do they have? Employment? And now my wife's question..Is it prone to tornados? hail storms? What type of "creepy Crawlies" are there? Thanks for your help.
-- Kenneth in N.C. (, December 21, 2001.
I am not sure what the water would be like. My parents water had a lot of minerals in it and they used a small distiller and the water tasted fine. I believe that the Seller Bruce listed the water as a rural water association so the association would treat the water, etc. Tornados - heck yeah - but I have lived in the Dakotas all my life and have survived so far. Creepy crawlies - mosquitoes, flies, gnats, crickets, etc. There are always snakes anywhere you go and there are snakes in that area. I suppose that rattlesnakes could be in that area also but the rule of thumb is not very often east of the Missouri River so that would rule Turtle Lake out. You should ask Bruce, as he probably lived there - I only visited my parents when they lived there.
-- JoAnn in SD (, December 22, 2001.