Anybody looking for a good deal on cheap land? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Anybody looking for cheap land (in Cedar Creek, MO - 25 miles east of Branson)?My husband and I have a chance to get out of the rat race once and for all, and be fulltime homesteaders if we can come up with $12,000 cash by 1 January 2002. To do this, we intend to sell 23 acres of our land. Story (in a nutshell) as follows:
The person we are buying from needs cash to put down on a chunk of land in OK. We owe him much more than this amount, but he has offered to call it even if we can pay the cash in time for him to make that deal. We figure if we sell a small chunk of our 94 acres to someone for $25,000 ($12,000 cash and the remainder to be paid -INTEREST FREE - in any way that it would be convenient for the buyer) it could end up being a win-win-win situation!
Anybody looking to have some financially stress-free time to build and settle in could arrange either small monthly payments; one larger yearly payment; or a ballon payment - its up to you. We don't believe interest is right, so we can just forget about that (BIG savings over what you'd pay if you financed through a bank!)
Anyway, bottom line is we just want to get out from under this debt. We aren't looking to profit, and would love likeminded "Countrysider" neighbors. Any takers?
You can go to the response I made to "Wolfie" on her inquiry about land in West Virginia or Kentucky, if you would like more details and a description of the land.
-- Deborah Stephenson (, December 18, 2001
Deborah,I would be interested in looking at the place. Is anyone available to show it to me on 20 DEC in the morning? I will be inthe area. I have the cash in hand. I would also be interested in info on how deep a well is needed and septic tank costs for the area so I can figure my set up costs. Right now we are living in town near Springfield and have been looking for the right place. Except for last year when we were in Germany, we have been homsteading for 10 years. We garden, raise dairy goats, horses and all that good stuff. I work 6 days a week so it is hard to arrange to meet, but I know I can get away for the morning of the 20th.
-- Chris Tomlinson (, December 19, 2001.
Hey Deborah did you and Chris make a deal. Tell us about it we like Good news.
-- Kenneth in N.C. (, December 20, 2001.
what post was that by wolfie?
-- Kenneth in N.C. (, December 20, 2001.
Kenneth, No deal yet with Chris. Waiting for a decision.The "wolfie" inquiry has been archived in the old questions under LAND. It's the one that says "Looking for land/ Wanting to move (WV or KY area). About 7 lines down.
Everybody, Since we still have that 1 January deadline, we're still looking for a buyer. Chris may or may not buy (and has first dibbs), but until the first, whoever can come up with the cash, is still in the running. Sorry about the hurry - it was kind of sprung on us suddenly or we could allow more time. (If you don't know what I mean, see my earlier message to "Wolfie".) Thanks!
-- Deborah Stephenson (, December 20, 2001.
Everybody, Just wanted to let you know that we made a deal with Chris. He's buying!Thanks to all who responded!
-- Deborah Stephenson (, December 26, 2001.