Another question! : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread |
I was thinkin about gettin one of those dm2 thangs. Could you DJ a rave on those? I dunno, the whole record player thing seems a bit weird to this DJ, but that's nust me! What do yall think?!?! Do they use those at big raves, or record players only?Anybody who have 1 gimme a shout yo!!!
Mad crazy props to all tha glow stickers swingin' and twistin' WORD UP!!!
PLUR!!! Keep on ravin'!!! Introducing!!! The one!!!, the onlee!!! DJ WicKEd TRanCe!!!!!!
-- Anonymous, December 15, 2001
dm2s are fuckin lame. I thought it looked pretty sweet too, but don't let good advertising fool can't dj with that sh*t.
if it ain't broke, don't fix it. stick with tts.
*dj balistic
-- Anonymous, December 18, 2001