How to Put Pictures in Forum - Step : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Ok folks, here's part one of how to add pics to your postings.It sounds like pretty much everyone is ok with this, so I'm going to teach y'all how to do it, in hopes that it will make our discussions here more useful and colorful. Forgive me if I insult your intelligence or go way over your head...everyone has a different level of comprehension when it comes to computers. I'll try to make it as simple as I can. Feel free to email me with questions, or post them here for all to see.
To make pictures visible on the forum, you must first:
- Have a picture in digital form. this can be accomplished in several ways, such as scanning it into your computer, having walmart or someone else scan it in, or taking it in digital format to begin with, using a digital camera.
- Store the picture somewhere on the internet. Just having it on your computer doesn't do the trick. There are lots of free services that will allow you to upload and store pics on the web, one that will work well for our purposes is the Countryside Friends Pictures page. There you can have your own picture album and upload your own pictures with captions. One nice thing about it is that the page automatically creates 'thumbnail' pictures for you.
Once your picture is out there on the internet, you can place a little snippet of html code into your message that will basically tell the forum page to retrieve it and display it in your message. How to do that will be covered in a follow up posting, titled "How to Put Pictures in Forum - Step 2
Chuck in MD
-- chuck in MD (, December 15, 2001