Durham & Southern Railroad and Amtrak

greenspun.com : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

During the late 60's or early 70's, Amtrak traveled down the Durham and Southern Tracks from Dunn, NC headed north. I woke up and saw the train through my window. The incedent was caused by an accident on the SCL main line somewhere north of Dunn, NC. There was a magazine article in Lines South that mentioned it. Does anyone know the issue? Thanks

-- Marc Powell (jmpmap@yahoo.com), December 12, 2001


I assume you are speaking of the Amtrak-era "Vacationer" - this train ran in the winter seasons of 1972-73 and 1973-74. In ACL days, the original "Vacationer" ran from 1938 to the mid-1950s. Does anyone have photos or actual consists for the Amtrak "Vacationer"?

-- Larry Goolsby (LGoolsby@aphsa.org), December 14, 2001.

I know that the NB Vacationer(winter only)was routed from Dunn to Apex over the D&S because of a wreck on the ex-ACL North of Dunn. According to Erbie Tart, D&S General Manager, the train had already passed Fayetteville when the blockage occurred or it would have tied up there. I think that the Vacationer was pulled by E units. After reaching Apex, it returned to SCL rails and on to New York City via Raleigh. Train speed was slow because of the track condition. The big D&S wreck at Barclaysville (caused by bad track)happened shortly after this and I remember Mr. Tart commenting that it could have just as easily been the Vacationer. I know that Mr. Tart preceeded the Vacationer in a Hi-Railer truck. I don't think that there was an onboard D&S pilot.

-- richard T. lasater (richard.lasater@ncmail.net), December 14, 2001.

Ref. to the rerouting of passenger trains over the D&S. the Article in Lines South was about when a SAL office car was on the Star and it was routed around a wreck by way of the SAL to Henderson to Durham.According to the author the speedometer on the office car they were traveling about 15 mph,however when they were on the D&S they traveled about 50mph. This article was in the 4th quarter 1998 issue. As A child living in Varina at the old NS and D&S crossing I remember several times when passenger train were routed over the D&S and onetime even the circus train traveled the D&S in the late 60s or early 70s.Theyalso operated several Football excursions to bowl games that Duke was involved in back in the

-- Alan Ashworth (tarheelrrds@aol.com), December 14, 2001.

I belive the reason it was rerouted was for the SCL derailment in Lucama,N.C. in 1975.Hope this helps.

-- V.L.Lewis (sclrr@hotmail.com), December 12, 2001.

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