Want Small gas brooder for baby chicksgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I would like to raise chickens(cornish rock) on my property that is "off the grid". I have no intentions of modernizing it. I have an apartment in town, but I plan to be at this place over most of the summer.I know that years ago they heated baby chicks with gas brooders, but the ones I know of that are available today are way larger than I need! Does anyone know of a place that might carry one suited to the small grower of say 50 - 100? Would a "Mr. Heater" work as a good heat source? Any suggestions???
BTW, I use the libraries internet most of the time, so I don't always get to access my email frequently.
Thanks! Katie
-- Katie Schwalbe(N.Wiscconsin) (Wi-cashcrop@excite.com), December 12, 2001
Check e-bay,i have seen the old gas ones their.
-- dave.??? (duckthis1@santafunny.com), December 12, 2001.
Murray McMurray hatchery from Webster City Iowa sells new lp gas canopy brooder stoves for day old chicks for less than $200 We also live off grid in southwest Minnesota and are looking for a reliable brooder stove that doesn't need electricity...so far this looks like a good choice fromn a reliable company. We will have our own e-mail address this week waspfarm@frontiernet.net otherwise route 3 Ivanhoe,MN 56142 is our home address
-- Wayne Janiszeski (ronaly@frontiernet.net), February 10, 2002.