Beginner Needs Help with Rouens! (Ducks) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hello, I need help. In the beginning of the summer I bought 7 rouen ducks. One was one week older than the rest. That one is a male and is mean to the rest and to me. It chases and hisses at me all of the time. Just lately one female has laid 2 eggs it is the beginning of winter here in Wisconsin. If I want babies is it better to wait until spring or will they make it through the winter? I also need help if I do want the babies how do I help the males to fertilize them? My eggs were green is that right? Thanks
-- Stacey Erdmann (, December 11, 2001
If the drake is mean, get rid of him! It isn't very sommon to have a mean drake, usually they are just as nice as the ducks. It certainly isn't a trait you want to reproduce. I would not let them set on eggs until winter is over. Now if you wanted to you could incubate them, but then what will you do with a bunch of ducklings in the house during the winter? They cannot go outside unless they have a mother to keep them warm, and ducks don't usually mother ducklings unless they set on the eggs and hatched them. The drake has probably been mating with the ducks already if they have water, and maybe even without water. You say he is mean to them, what does he do? If it looks like he's trying to drown them in the water, he mating with them. If it were me, I'd eat this drake and get another one in the spring.
-- Rebekah (, December 11, 2001.
Stacey, post your questions on The Poultry Connection, General Waterfowl Forum. You will meet many knowledgable people there who are experts on duck behavior and care. As mentioned,a grumpy duck is a rare creature(true ducks not Moscovies). I would venture to bet though that the next generation to be raised by you would be fine. It sounds like you have a goose instead of a duck! LOL I have never met a bad tempered duck so can't help there. Good luck, LQ
-- Little Quacker (, December 11, 2001.
I had a duck sit eggs this time of year in Central Texas, where the weather is much milder. She eventually lost all except the two I stole and raised in the house. I'd also suggest you make her wait til spring. If you do get ducklings this time of year, and if you leave them outside with her, by all means dump their pond. Part of the trouble we had was that we didn't, and the duck took her brood into the pool one day while we were away. Once in, they couldn't get out and got terribly chilled.As noted above, ducks will usually mate in the water, where, evidently, it is easier for the male to mount.
-- mary (, December 11, 2001.
I agree no need to keep a mean Drake. If he is out with the ducks the eggs should be fertile. I would wait until spring though to let the eggs hatch. Especially if the duck is just starting to lay. Give her a bit to get her "system" in order you'll get a better hatch rate. Have fun with your ducks they are sure interesting creatures! Denise
-- Denise K. (, December 12, 2001.
Hi there, I live here in Alberta, Canada where it gets cold and I also raise Rouen ducks. I too have never had a mean drake. You can take all of your females eggs inside and put them in an egg carton. Keep them in a cool place until you are ready for her to have them. You may then place them into her nest or incubate them yourself. I winter my ducks outside as well with a small shelter and lots and lots of room to run and forage. You would be better to get rid of your drake and buy a new one in spring.Hope this helps. If I can help you any more please e-mail me
-- T.J. (, January 04, 2002.
If you want more ducks, better to wait until early spring, just so the weather isn't too inclement. Meanwhile, are any of the other ducks drakes, or do you have just the one? I have had all sorts of ratios of males:females, and right now, with one drake for 8 ducks, there is peace and contentment and just enough shenanigans going on for fertile eggs. Why don't you eat the eggs that are being laid these days, and then start collecting for hatching -- or let the ducks collect them themselves in a nest till one duck is ready to set on them? The males, by the way, don't need any help fertilizing them -- a lot of that "being mean" and chasing the ducks around is foreplay and sex.
-- snoozy (, January 05, 2002.