video capturing software : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

hi , i would like to capture video in mpeg format(to make video cd) from my camcord which software could i use for this please help :-) and please help how to create a video cd using nero or easy CD creater

-- jag (, December 11, 2001


Try using Adobe Premier 6 it may be the most expensive or at least one of the most expensive pieces of software for video editing but it is the best and nothing affordable really lives up to it.

Well its the one i use for it any way and i use nero 5.5 to make my vcds with the menu's, at the moment im just experimenting with this as ive never tryed to do it before but if i find out how to use it properley i will reply.

By the way what version of nero are you using. If your not using 5.5 i suggest you get that also.

-- David King (, December 12, 2001.

I do not think Premiere allows capturing direct to MPEG. It is resolutely stuck with good old Video for Windows, for better or for worse.

-- M. Tekdemir (, December 13, 2001.

video captucer card in captruing software on the pc and other effect

-- Anoop Kanojia (, September 01, 2003.

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