anyone selling land near Fredericksburg, VA? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hello. Does anyone have any land for sale near Fredericksburg, VA? Fredericksburg is located between Washington DC and Richmond, VA.I'd like to build a home or buy a small farm ("farmette"). :)
-- win harrington (, December 07, 2001
I'm willing to sell my home in Colonial Beach (about 40 minutes from Fredericksburg). It is ~.25 acres with surrounding lots available. It is a nice secluded location. I want to move to the Northwest myself. :-)
-- Mike (, December 07, 2001.
Have been in that area I suggest you take your large checkbook with you, the closter you get to D.C. the more insane it gets.
-- mitch hearn (, December 07, 2001.
I currently live in Stafford which is just north of Fredericksburg. It is very expensive to live here because it is within the commutng distance of DC. Colonial Beach on the other hand is just far enough out that it is outside of the commuting distance to DC and therefore less expensive. If you want to move to this area, your best bet, if you need to count pennies, is to check in areas that are south and west of Fredericksburg such as Orange county. Good luck.
-- Colleen (, December 10, 2001.