Looking for daffodillady (neat bread recipe)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I just had to tell you that I tried your bread recipe and it is the BEST bread I have EVER made!! And, wow! what a batch! I got 5 small loafs, a dozen or so each of hamburger and hot dog buns, and a couple dozen dinner rolls! Had to use two mixing bowls and all my baking pans but I have a freezer full of bread. There's only 2 of us so this recipe will last us a month or more!! And it's SOOOO GOOD!!

Can you use all white flour for white bread? Do you have a cinnamon roll recipe?

Thanks so much for sharing that recipe! It's the only one I'll use now!


-- Stacey (stacey@lakesideinternet.com), December 07, 2001


Response to Looking for daffodillady

What recipe is this? I want it too!!

-- Christine Young (Christine_Young@Brown.edu), December 07, 2001.

Response to Looking for daffodillady

Here's part of the message daffodillady left. Copied it from the archives:

"2 quarts water,(temperature you would enjoy a bath in.) 1/4 cup yeast, 1/4 cup salt, 1/2 cup honey or sugar. Mix all together, and add 3/4 cup oil or lard. Add about 5 cups of whole wheat flour and mix very well with a large strong spoon. Then add about half of a 5- lb bag of bread flour, and knead till all is absorbed. Add bread flour 1 cup at a time, kneading each in before adding more. Add only enough flour to make the dough not sticky. I do not find a very stiff dough works well. The kneading process takes about ten or more minutes."

It makes a huge batch but it's great!!

-- Stacey (stacey@lakesideinternet.com), December 07, 2001.

CINNAMON ROLLS use the bread recipe you spoke of now cut the amount in half and make a batch of cinnamon rolls take the raised dough after the 2nd rising and roll out on a lightly floured board to 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick. take and have 2 soft sticks of oleo spread on the rolled out dough now take and sprinkle with generous amounts of brown sugar or honey on the dough and then take and use about 1 tbsp on cinnomon sprinkled on the dough. roll in jelly roll fashion and cut the slices at least 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick now put them in greased pan and let rise the last time to double. Then take and stick the baking pans in for about 35-45 minutes or till they are nicely brown at 350 degree oven take and have wax paper laid out on a table of size and when done turn the rolls upside down on the wax paper when cool put in tupperware containers and or heavy freezing bag and freeze what you don't eat. They are good for at least three days on counter. Glenda L. heywood easley Sc

-- GLHeywood (frizzlebird@yahoo.com), December 08, 2001.

WHEN MAKING DOUGH for the bread dough proceedure it is bet to have the warm water and add the lard or oil to the warm water to melt it, the yeast and the honey (which makes a moisture dough than sugar) or sugar go in together in the warm mixture so as to activate the yeast. Any bread recipe can have the white bread flour substituted to the wheat in the recipe.Also try adding a couple eggs to the mixture and mix them in the bowl with the rest of the first ingredients. Even to the recipe if it does not call for them. eggs make a tastier bread dough. Also the flour can be added as it will only take about 1/16 of a cup per egg. Milk makes a good additive to the bread recipe instead of water also. warm the milk to make the first ingredients with. Bread flour has to be used in bread machines when making and is always used in the bread machines. Glenda L. heywood

-- GLHeywood (frizzlebird@yahoo.com), December 08, 2001.

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