Ajax in Canadagreenspun.com : LUSENET : Ajax USA : One Thread |
No, this isn't about the town of Ajax, Ontario. It's about topics of particular interest to Canadian fans of AFC Ajax Amsterdam, in light of the fact that there isn't yet a Canadian AFC Ajax Amsterdam web site.
-- Anonymous, December 06, 2001
i know what channel they're on now you little bitch .. i found out after i posted the previous message .. and i'm already watching some games ...
-- Anonymous, November 12, 2002
hey korn boy (korn_guy_85@hotmail.com) i know which channel the ajax matches are on, but u know what -- im not going to tell u and i hope no one does either!!
-- Anonymous, November 08, 2002
We were alerted to the following by one of our Canadian members, Damien Ho:Ajax youth soccer coach making instructional trip to metro
09 May: Ajax international youth soccer coach Jan Pruijn is coming to metro... [Full story]Sounds interesting!
-- Anonymous, May 09, 2002
You should read our TV page. "On Dish Network, FSW is now part of the "America's Top 150" package." Looks like you need to upgrade!
-- Anonymous, April 29, 2002
hey guys ! i have Dish Network the top 50 channels ! i was wondering if anyone has the top 50 for Dish network ! because i don't know what channel i can watch Ajax matches on ! so if anyone has top 50 dish netwrok, plz tell me what channel !
-- Anonymous, April 28, 2002
Below is a VERY useful site for Canadian soccer fans:http://canadatvsoccer.tripod.com/Fixtures.htm
It lists all matches that are on Canadian TV. One word of caution, when it says FSW it's US programming, FSWC is Canadian broadcasts.
-- Anonymous, March 13, 2002
I wanted to know if anyone gets TSN Canada, and if so would it be possible to tape the upcoming Champions League game between Barcelona- Roma?According to soccertv.com its on Thursday Feb 21st at 3:00AM Eastern Time
The return leg is also on Feb 27th 3:00AM Eastern Time.
Please let me know and if necessary I could pay for this service.
Rich Savare 1 Lancaster Drive Ocean, NJ 07712
-- Anonymous, February 17, 2002
Well... I don't have a Canadian Ajax site, but I do have a Canadian Cristian Chivu site :) it's at http://verdediger.oh-so-sweet.org I'll have to make sure I write to that address asking for Dutch soccer, as the sports channels mostly play English Premier.
-- Anonymous, January 03, 2002
In Holland, too, Ajax is the name of a cleanser. Over here it's also a brand of fire extinguishers. I am kind of used to that, since the cleanser and the fire-extinguishers have always been there.However, THIS is pretty bizarre for a Dutchman... I love it. It's great :-)
-- Anonymous, December 10, 2001
Hail fellow Cannuck!!!I'll send Sportsnet an email to support the cause.
Bear in mind though that now that FSW has it's own channel in Canada they probably have paid for exclusivity in the market. Their programme package seems to closely mirror the US and they're unlikely to allow Sportsnet any of their programming without substantial compensation because it dilutes their appeal. The viewing figures for the digital channels have been very disappointing (except for SexTV !!!) based on data I've seen (I work in Marketing/Media). As such if anything there's a danger we could lose even that media channel for seeing Ajax.
I know digital represents an incremental cost versus base cable, but the channel costs under $3 a month (once you've paid the rental for the digital decoder, which I grant you is more).
Personally, since digital has arrived I watch only three channels (FSW, BBC News, BBC Canada) anyway, not bothering with anything on base cable (except Sportsnet Saturday mornings, and TSN for Champions League) !!!
As for a Canadian Ajax website, I don't know of one, but find AjaxUSA.com meets all my needs (Great Job; Jim, Menno, Ben, Bastiaan et al!!!.....;o)).
-- Anonymous, December 07, 2001
Let's Get Ajax on CTV Sportsnet:CTV Sportsnet, one of the more easily accessible cable sports channels in Canada, is a great supporter not only of the Canadian national soccer team, but also of the English Premier League. Since they tend to get their feeds from Fox Sports World, I'd like to suggest that Canadian Ajax fans who don't want to shell-out big $$ for digital cable or satellite write to the following address - feedback@sportsnet.ca - or call them toll free - 1-877-288-7767 - and ask for Dutch Soccer. If it's any encouragement, this is the reply I received recently upon requesting this: "Sportsnet does not currently have the rights to air the Dutch Soccer. However, our viewers requests play a great role in our programming decision process. I will pass on your request to my programming department to take into consideration when determining our future endeavors.". Now, that may sound very beaurocratic, but hey...we won't get anything in life unless we ask for it :)
P.S. If any Canucks want to pool resources and create a visible Canadian Ajax site (or if there is one, and I'm just clueless), please count me in.
-- Anonymous, December 06, 2001