Critique please..... : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Regina 4mo.

Tell me what you think.

-- Mike DeVoue (, December 05, 2001


I think it's excellent (and I am most definately NOT among those who think all baby photos are adorable)--a wonderful sense of intimacy. I like the curve of the cloth around her face, but I wish the eye weren't so dead center in the frame.

It reminds me of a recent (non-Leica) photo of mine of my "bank teller" taking a nap.

sleeping beauty

-- Mike Dixon (, December 05, 2001.

Both photographs are great and a proof for the thesis, that pictures are best when you photograph what you love.

My kids are grown up already, so I would prefere the Mike Dixon one for my wall.

Best wishes and good shooting

-- K. G. Wolf (, December 05, 2001.

Great photo, Mike!

I'm no pro here, but here is what I'd say to myself if this was my photo.

1. The "hat" covering the baby's head should have some darker tones to differentiate clearly from the baby's face.

2. The whole print could have been a tad - a tad darker

3. The blurred area left of the face should be more defined/burnt in (or you can put a thin dark black line around the whole print to hold the composition more definately)

I'm picking at small points here, but that's what I would think.

-- Daisung Jang (, December 05, 2001.

I think that you're in the wrong forum.

-- Wilhelm (, December 05, 2001.


Nice image. Look and feel with OOF is great. As has been said above, the only improvement IMO is the towel perhaps over-powering the face a little. Even if it isn't shot with a Leica, it's an emotive result. ;-)

-- sparkie (, December 05, 2001.

It's nice, I find the gritty grain perhaps distracting for a baby shot, but basically it is a good result. As baby was sleeping, it would have been nicer to have had finer, smoother grain in an ideal world.

Mike's is good too.

-- Robin Smith (, December 05, 2001.

yeh, nice shot too Mike (Dixon). what equip/lens/film did you use?

-- sparkie (, December 05, 2001.

Thanks. Canon 55/f1.2 FL-mount lens (wide open) on an FT. HP5+ at EI 1000, pushed about 1.5 stops. The old 55 is one of my favorite lenses--poor resolution, very low contrast, heavy as a brick, but a great "look." And cheap!

-- Mike Dixon (, December 05, 2001.

That's a neat photo Mike! I'm amazed that the sleeve is in focus as well as the eye lashes- the lashes appear to be in focus at least. Neat.

-- Tse-Sung (, December 06, 2001.

I'm in the wrong forum? Whatever, you elitist. You obviously looked at the image, O/W why respond? Was it the Nikon that was used?

Which leads me to my next post- "What is Leica Photography?"

-- Mike DeVoue (, December 06, 2001.

I think the photograph is beautiful! I have to echo Mike Dixon's comments about baby shots. This one definitely stands out from most others. And personally I think the grain is wonderful.

-- Tony Rowlett (, December 06, 2001.

For what reason did you post this on the Leica Forum? It was already on, where it properly belonged.

-- Wilnhelm (, December 06, 2001.

Read my follow-up post as for why this image is HERE in Leica Photography. was a quick and simple way for this image to be viewed. I'll be using my web space in future, although when I am not sure.

-- Mike DeVoue (, December 06, 2001.

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