Photos of house for sale (in ND) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Here is a link to the house we ae offering in North Dakota:
-- Novina in ND (, December 04, 2001
Wow ! What a nice place. And the price is right for a wannabe homesteader. I can't imagine you will have much trouble selling it.The taxes are unreal! If I didn't have so many family here I would be interested.ALASKA? Wasn't North Dakota cold enough for you?
-- Kate henderson (, December 04, 2001.
Where is that winning lottery ticket!!!
-- Mike (, December 04, 2001.
That is a neat ad. Sure ought to sell it.
-- charlie (, December 04, 2001.
A shame you can't move that place to Dallas County, Texas. You could start the bidding at $300,000.00.
-- paul (, December 05, 2001.