8 acres with fixer upper house and barn in Missourigreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
My next door neighbor's property is up for sale. I think it is going to be a foreclosure. He bought it for about $78k two and a half years ago. The house is very old, and rather small, and needs someone able to do major work to it, although it is quite livable, I understand. The old barn needs a tin roof, sections missing for I don't know how long. There is fencing on about 2/3 of it. Good grass and old trees. On gravel road, nearest town Silex, Missouri. I'd like to see it had by some nice people who can give it the love it needs. I you want to know more, e-mail me and I'll answer all I can and find out who to contact to learn more. I do know that hogs are not allowed per the deed restrictions, but any other animal is fine. Also can't have junk cars laying around. That's about it. It is in a rural area with commute to St. Louis surrounding area doable. -Debbie
-- Debbie Trimble (risingwind@socket.net), December 01, 2001
I don't know this farm but the area around Silex is very pretty, there is a nearby state park with horse trails for riding and good fishing and there is a very active farmers' market through the warm seasons. The area has a lot to recommend it for the right person.
-- marilyn (rainbow@ktis.net), December 01, 2001.