36 rural acres southern Vermontgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Splitting it off from a larger parcel (where I have my own cabin). Enrolled in forestry program which keeps taxes around $200/yr. On a town trail, border of Guilford & Halifax. Several good cabin spots. Appraised around $34k asking $26k firm. Warning - borders a small cemetery. Have a few pics I can email to interested parties. I'm not there as much & 90 acres is too much work. Happy hunting.
-- douglas freeman (ideadigger@aol.com), November 29, 2001
Doug - Please let me know if this is still available - we have been looking for a house and have not had any luck so far and our friend just emailed us about this. Is this wooded property? We could come soon to look at it. Thanks - Laurel Cole
-- Laurel Cole (coles@warwick.net), December 01, 2001.
I'd love to see those pics--sounds like the kind of thing we're looking for! Thanks a lot.
-- Kitty Trastevere (discontent@onebox.com), December 13, 2001.